Search results

  1. eliteel5

    Unable to create database via Hosting control panel

    Hi all Its been quite a while since I logged into X10 That in itself expresses how professional X10 is A service that is for the nest part 99.99% robust , well managed , equally secure hence a word of real thanks to the dedication of staff whom manage x10 On that note I hope all had a...
  2. eliteel5

    PHP security Login , password , security

    Hi all and hope all are in good health I have a few questions regarding PHP login , password etc and need some assistance in hope that some one can offer correct information's Currently I have an application that runs on RPI(raspberry pi ) utilizing C++ that posts at intervals data...
  3. eliteel5

    Website hacked

    I dont quite know how this has happened but could you check for me as to what the status of this is and keep an eye on this please Might be an idea to pick up on IP / Mac address Attached is photo This may well have been someone using code I will change pass word for FTP in the...
  4. eliteel5


    Hi all , trust all are well and in good health I have a quick question with regards JNLP This is a pure server enquiry so possibly for administrators only Can this implemented on X10 web servers currently Example code for this as follows I did a quick search on this and found...
  5. eliteel5

    Connection to database Lost error 500

    Good evening all This was all working beautifully then suddenly this screen showed after deleting a relationship I tried deleting the database and recreating this but no joy Its been working fine all day Why this should happen now I do not know Could someone check this for me...
  6. eliteel5

    For those who would like to learn C , C++ and gain certification

    Hi all Allow me to introduce myself I'm Mark and am highly pleased with X10 I am more or less completely self taught in many respects of IT , equally highly professional in electronics , electrical and many other trades or at least I do my level best to be so Struggling as we...
  7. eliteel5

    Relational Features Are Disabled

    Good evening all Hope all are in good health and moving forward I have a problem which I'm hoping someone can assist me with Im busy designing a database using phpMyAdmin as back-end for website All going well save that of on creating referential links using the designer within...
  8. eliteel5

    Resolved A very special thank you

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank members of the X10 free hosting team for the excellent communication skills and superb attention that has been given to questions posed to members Members of a great team who have really done a fantastic job over the last week or so in...
  9. eliteel5

    Resolved Still having issues with ssl

    I'm still not sure of what's happening with this but I selected as per menu enable SSL I then see a choice of use server signed certificate and other choices Ive gone with the default selection of , "use server signed certificate " because if I select , " Lets encrypt " , then this then...
  10. eliteel5

    Resolved You are not allowed to modify your ssl settings

    Hi all As per another members reply I am posting this issue Having some questions now answered I have hit the next problem of turning on ssl The message I receive when attesting to do this from direct admin is as follows whilst searching within this form using criteria,"Certificate authority...
  11. eliteel5

    You are not allowed to modify your ssl settings

    Hi all Having some questions now answered I have hit the next problem of turning on ssl The message I receive when attesting to do this from direct admin is as follows whilst searching within this form using criteria,"Certificate authority SSL " Cannot Execute Your Request You are...
  12. eliteel5

    Resolved General help

    Good evening to all I am struggling like mad trying to understand some of this currently On logging in Im shown the following Username: ***** Your Domain: But Ive changed my Domain name to be Then when I need to pull this up on...