Search results

  1. Spartan Erik

    Firefox Crop Circle Now that is pretty darn cool.
  2. Spartan Erik

    China Creates AIDS Vaccine Wow, I never thought I'd see the day. It's not a cure, but the vaccine does protect the body from the virus! They're running more tests to make sure it's safe etc., but wow this will definitely control the spread of AIDS if this...
  3. Spartan Erik

    Want to be part of the sales team?

    Well long story short, the sales staff is quite understaffed (as you can see I'm the only one :eek4:), so I am now accepting applications from all forum members. Please PM me your application with this information filled out: Forum Name: Time Zone: Previous Experience with...
  4. Spartan Erik

    Have Samuel L. Jackson Talk To Your Friends! Hah, best advertising scheme ever IMO
  5. Spartan Erik

    Coupons for Vista? Rumor is that Microsoft will offer Vista coupons as an incentive for purchasing PC's this holiday season.. it shows how desperate Microsoft is to roll out their next upcoming bloatware
  6. Spartan Erik

    Changing IP Address

    Well currently I have two computers that are on wireless 802.11b USB adapters, and one computer that is wired to my gateway/router. I've been wanting to be able to change my IP address quickly (on my wireless computer); so far, these methods do not work: -Disable/enable network connection...
  7. Spartan Erik

    U.S. Lags World in Grasp of Genetics and Acceptance of Evolution Apparently, the United States is the second lowest in the world with the ability to grasp genetics and accept evolution. Seriously, are we that stupid? I bet Denmark, Sweden, France, and Japan...
  8. Spartan Erik

    Best Defragger for Windows?

    What's the best defragmenter for Windows? I think Windows' default disk defragmenter isn't doing a good enough job.. anyone recommend anything better?
  9. Spartan Erik

    Vista Theme for XP

    Anyone have an easy way of putting the Vista theme onto Windows XP? Screenshot: I want that identical Vista theme, preferably without changing the icons though.. and I don't want to install software like StyleXP and...
  10. Spartan Erik

    Same or Different OS?

    Is there any difference between Microsoft Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 - November 2004 Systems Student Media and just plain MS Windows XP Pro SP2? I hope it's just similar to Win XP Pro..
  11. Spartan Erik

    Become Immortalized in FireFox 2! If you haven't read, if you send an invite to someone to download FireFox, you and the recepients names are immortalized in FireFox 2! This must be done before September 15!
  12. Spartan Erik

    Circuit City Ripping DVDs for Customers! Hah, quite an unsuspected development.. MPAA probably will shut this down the minute this is finalized..
  13. Spartan Erik

    Google Supporting Open Source Projects I don't know how many people know about this, but I got informed about this just now; Google is helping the open source community by allowing people to put up to 100 MB worth of open source coding for miscellaneous...
  14. Spartan Erik

    AMD buys ATI for $5.4 Billion Wow.. oddly enough, I knew this day would happen.. I had a gut feeling that a chip maker would purchase either ATi or nVidia.. Seems to me that the only chance Intel has to keep competing is if it buys nVidia :dunno:
  15. Spartan Erik

    Micro$oft Zune Confirmed Inside sources! No official stats or pictures, but at least this is another challenger to the ever-so-famous iPod
  16. Spartan Erik

    Muahaha.. noobs! Couldn't help but laugh; 1 million+ people have received adware from MySpace.. so, the people who use MySpace can't make websites, AND don't have computer protection.. I wonder whats next :drool:
  17. Spartan Erik

    Microsoft- 80s Games Available for Xbox Sweet; is it just me or did the nintendo market just suffer a huge blow? Now arcade/atari fans and xbox fans will unite.. I think it'll wipe out nintendo and sony..
  18. Spartan Erik

    Phishing.. now "vishing"? Apparently phishing scam calls are now occuring over VoIP phones.. coined "vishing"; you thought people would be conned into giving their info over the internet easily before.. it'll be more rampant than ever!
  19. Spartan Erik

    Online Gambling To increase the pressure on gambling websites and gamblers, Congress wants to enforce the ban on gambling by restricting credit cards and electronic payment (i.e. PayPal) I believe gambling is a great source of tax revenue.. the...
  20. Spartan Erik

    Pretty cool...

    Yahoo Video has gotten some nice submissions lately: That one's very nice lol.. I wish I had a talent like that haha