Search results

  1. Spartan Erik

    confused on video format..

    i use windows media player and quicktime alternative (qt alternative allows me to's and other normal apple format videos in windows media player) however, i just received a .MOV file, and i am unable to open it. when i check its properties, where its says type of file it says 'movfile'...
  2. Spartan Erik

    webmaster ff extensions CSSViewer is one of the best webmastering tools ive ever used! (you must place it onto one of your toolbars) once activated, when you mouseover ANYTHING a box will tell you the css style of what you're hovering over!
  3. Spartan Erik

    any pool players here?

    if you're an average pool player like me, your skills will pale in comparison to this kid: i think the last one might have been a set up since the cue went out of the screen for a brief few seconds
  4. Spartan Erik

    just when you thought it died..

    pokemon makes a comeback! how long can nintendo milk this cow? honestly, let it die!
  5. Spartan Erik

    windows defender beta 2

    so msantispyware is gone, and in with windows defender beta 2! personally i think it looks much more ugly than msantispyware, but thats just my opinion also, just to make sure nothings wrong when this is installed do you...
  6. Spartan Erik

    need a new guestbook..

    well the guestbook service i had been using for 5 years+ went down ( apparently way too many spamming bots posted spam messages on guestbooks, lagging up the server and driving many users nuts.. so all that spamming has resulted in the immediate shut down of all guestbook...
  7. Spartan Erik

    change forum name

    may one of the admins please change my forum name? i DO NOT want to change my subdomain info or anything; i ONLY want to change my forum name instead of my forum name being 'sentient1080' i want it changed to 'spartan erik' its my way of organizing my internet accounts for everything..
  8. Spartan Erik

    new cs:s skins! they'll be coming out shortly i suppose.. i think the 1337krew looks lame, but man the new ct skin looks sweet :roflwerd:
  9. Spartan Erik

    Internet Explorer 7 BETA

    okay i know that most of you, including i, use firefox but still, you might as well check out IE7.. sure you maybe might not use it, but then again, ANYTHING is better than IE6.. check it out
  10. Spartan Erik

    Welcome Back Corey!

    i dont know if anyones noticed, but corey appears at the bottom of the forum.. so using logic and deductive reasoning, he must be back! hooray! :bigok:
  11. Spartan Erik

    testmasters discounts

    well for most of you teenagers in high school im sure you all have heard about many sat preparation courses, i.e. collegeboard, kaplan, testmasters i have a discount e-coupon for those of you who plan to sign up online. this coupon will automatically deduct 25 dollars remember, if you sign up...
  12. Spartan Erik

    advertising purchase from shop

    i am planning on purchasing advertising from the shop so i was wondering, what are the size requirements for the banner? also, does the banner ad show up on x10's forum page (top right) AND people's banner ads on their websites (corporate accounts)?
  13. Spartan Erik

    question about installing..

    i currently use msoffice xp, and i am planning to get msoffice2003. so, i know i will have to uninstall msoffice xp to install msoffice2003 (obviously) but, when i uninstall msoffice xp, will my files only change format temporarily? so when i install msoffice2003 they will go back to whatever...
  14. Spartan Erik

    what halo 2 character are you? what halo 2 character are you?
  15. Spartan Erik

    warning issue

    i received a warning a LONG time ago, and i received a PM saying that my warning had been removed; however, the warning has not been removed as it still appears underneath my name in every forum post.. just wanted to get things straightened out :bigok:
  16. Spartan Erik

    css surf map

    hey for those of you all who play surf maps on cs:s, have any of yall played surf_rebel_resistance made by the LSS clan? if so, how do you activate the lasers in the jail to start killing people?
  17. Spartan Erik

    laptop question

    so for xmas my dad wants to get my mom a laptop (which i disagree with since desktops will always own), and the max amount he'll spend is $1500. so... of all brands, which laptops are the best? ive heard hp and acer are among the worst.. also, which processor is the best? my friends tell me...
  18. Spartan Erik

    new layout for site

    hey yall, i finally got myself a new layout after the original its meant to be basic, simple, quick loading, and have inter-browser/operatingsystem/monitor/resolution capibility check it out!
  19. Spartan Erik

    Custom Logo Request

    i was wondering if anybody would be interested in designing a logo for me. for example, something creative like what bungie uses: preferably anything looking close to a letter "S" design or something.. preferably with a blue color scheme, with...
  20. Spartan Erik

    html question

    i have always had this problem nagging at me; how do you prevent people from accessing a directory? i.e. if i had a link, lets say, and people decided to go to to access all the files. what html coding would i use to...