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  1. Spartan Erik

    Ready for Internet Toll Roads?

    Say goodbye to net neutrality (for now at least) :( It's a sad day for the internet. If you haven't heard the story, read the wikipedia article about it: Too lazy to read? Watch the video...
  2. Spartan Erik

    microsoft's campaign against firefox

    so when i heard about IE7beta2 i was like heh so this is microsoft's pathetic attempt at trying to oust firefox's growing popularity little did i know microsoft had a second ploy up its sleeve; i was using firefox as usual, and BAM i got this alert: muahah those jerks.. if they were...
  3. Spartan Erik

    CS:S FPS counter

    well i just opened CS:S today to join one of my servers when i noticed a box in the bottom right corner during my gameplay, and its got live stats measuring FPS, in, out, and crap like that; basically a whole bunch of statistics on the bottom right corner in game how the heck do i get rid of...
  4. Spartan Erik

    windows media player 11 beta!

    windows media player 11 beta has been released! its got the nice vista style.. its so pretty! get it from microsoft here: screenies: ^--compact format ^--large size sweet! i love it.
  5. Spartan Erik

    small thing that bugs me..

    normally when i print, i would click print and click ok (duh) and then my printer would start printing however, just until recently, whenever i click print and click ok, an epson print preview thing pops up. on the print preview screen i have to click print and itll start printing. i know its...
  6. Spartan Erik

    new yahoo front page?

    well i was in the process of uninstalling IE7 Beta 1 and installing IE7 Beta 2, i opened the original IE6, and look what i found: this image is NOT a fake. my homagepage is set for; i full screened IE6 to get maximum screenshot-age. i put my name up top right just for credit...
  7. Spartan Erik

    one red paper clip if you havent seen the press releases, and all the media hype about this, you're behind in the times :biggrin: (well, if you havent kept up, first read the column down the left side of the website)
  8. Spartan Erik

    wifi affected by room size?

    I currently have my gateway/access point in my living room giving a signal to my computer wirelessly. If I move my gateway/access point to a smaller room in the house (closer to my computer) will my connection become worse? also, later this weekend, ill need help configuring the wifi on a...
  9. Spartan Erik

    er does yahoo look funny?

    since yesterday, the text on has been really big for me in firefox it appears normal to me in IE7, but in ff, the font under the 'in the news' column is HUGE! is it just me?
  10. Spartan Erik

    microsoft and linux.. teaming up?! yep, the latest from microsoft and its windows vista: it will be interoperable with linux! major step in the open source community for microsoft
  11. Spartan Erik

    apple creates software to install windows xp.. haha i guess apple finally gave up after those hackers figured out how
  12. Spartan Erik

    sony nw-3507 mp3 player CORRECTION: sony nw-E507, not 3507 (ive been typing in 1337 for far too long :P) my friend is selling this mp3 player...
  13. Spartan Erik

    SAT test

    im taking it tomorrow; wish me luck! i want to ace this one and not take a retake since a. its like $50 US per test and b. the money goes to the evil collegeboard, of which i hate so much my motivation? to spite the collegeboard, who made the sat themselves collegeboard has so many loopholes...
  14. Spartan Erik

    quantum computing, a reality! and you thought all those nerds were just dazzling you with BS well to most people's dismay, they're actually right! quantum computing here we come
  15. Spartan Erik

    printer issue

    well i'm using an epson cx3200 printer, and my black ink cartridge ran dry i just refilled it, and now the printer says its still empty any solutions? (note: i dont use name brand cartridges either, ive been using 3rd party cartridges from ebay for years now, and they work fine!)
  16. Spartan Erik

    windows on a mac! a video tutorial on how to get windows xp onto a mac! the hacker who figured this out got 13 thousand dollars.. sweet. its a dream come true for those of you who <3 apple yet hate their OS btw, the .m4v file will play in quicktime
  17. Spartan Erik

    dell buys alienware this is a great acquisition, maybe dell will finally switch to AMD! hoorah! as long as dell pc's remain cheap overall, this is great :hyper:
  18. Spartan Erik

    google browser? likely hah it made me check my logs in awstats to see if a google browser came to browse my site apparently it didnt, but i wouldnt be suprised if google did make a browser
  19. Spartan Erik

    champion display on forum

    could the admins remove the list of games that you're a champion in? it takes up ALOT of space (as you can see)
  20. Spartan Erik

    anyone try DSL yet?

    im not talking about the fast internet DSL, im talking about DSL ("damn small linux") if you havent heard its a distro of linux that runs off of a USB storage device (just like knoppix which boots from CD) ^--tells...