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  1. H

    regarding support ticket UGV-352904

    is seems that i cant login to the support ticket system. the username and password sent by the system cannot be used to login to the system. system must be broken... if the ticket can be migrated to my normal support account "hathehariken" i can login and interact directly. well... can you...
  2. H

    has my account been terminated?

    i was in the hospital, my friend. a broken leg in traction. no matter, i have decided to move to a different service provider - one that doesnt delete user data so rampantly. if i could get my data back, i would probably have stayed here, and gladly paid all the money x10 wanted - but no...
  3. H

    has my account been terminated?

    very well.
  4. H

    has my account been terminated?

    yes, that was the double all deal. i dont mind paying that again. and this time i will definitely pay for the 1 year login grace. but my data?? is there any hope??
  5. H

    has my account been terminated? i paid 9.90 USD i do have backups but they are quite old - more than 2 months. if i recreate my hosting account, will it have the add-ons as my previous account had? is there any hope of getting my sites back? Edit: my cpanel name is...
  6. H

    has my account been terminated?

    thanks for the reply. i think i had paid upgrades in this account (checking my email records) - doesnt that increase my time out or something?? is there any hope of getting my sites back?
  7. H

    has my account been terminated?

    hello. i could not login for quite a while (around a month). i was in the hospital. my url is i cant seem to login to the account panel - says that no account exists. has my hosting account been deleted / terminated?
  8. H

    question reg large files

    i realised that after posting this. but if i could get my start off of here, it would be economically more feasible. 4.95 a month (at the very least) from the very beginning would be a bit costly for me. after about 4 or so months it wont be a problems, as ad revenues and donations would...
  9. H

    question reg large files

    hello! i am planning to build a site, which will have thousands of 1.3 mb JPEG files. basically pics of book pages of classical hindu texts - all public domain stuff. i have upgraded my account with the "double everything" scheme. i probably have to upgrade many more times - i am...
  10. H

    website url not showing properly

    hello! back to the original issue, i am! can someone please tell me in very simple and precise terms, how i can add an add-on domain to my account and get it working. also the details i need to put in on the DNS pages in the Domain control panel. i tried using both A records and the...
  11. H

    queries regarding addon domains

    i was trying to go the "A name" way. which name servers are you reffering to? ( and where do i put them? i already tried putting it in the NS records of the domain, but it didnt work.... please, i dont know much about these things, can you please say...
  12. H

    queries regarding addon domains

    but public_html/ already contains another website. this website has to go to a folder. what could i do? please help! Ark.
  13. H

    queries regarding addon domains

    hello! i read the FAQ about addon domains, and to tell the truth i came out more confused than before. i understand the cpanel part. but what must i do in the domain control panel? i know i have to insert the 2 DNS names within the "NS records" in the DNS page - and i already did that...
  14. H

    need your help in locating this image

    sweet merlin in a tutu! that site is stupendous! you dont know how much you have helped me by pointing me to that image (and of course to the wonderful tineye site) you, my good man, are awesome. many many thanx to you, Ark!
  15. H

    need your help in locating this image

    hello! my system crashed day before yesterday, and i need your help in locating an image. i think this was originally a wallpaper, and fortunately i had printed out a draft copy of the design. the image is attached to this post. can someone please help me find the original of this...
  16. H

    Greetings Earthlings

    welcome all, i am relatively new here too. we boffins tend to stick together, eh? what they say, better judgement and all that bull. whatever others say, x10 is the best there is for us. Ark!
  17. H

    website url not showing properly

    well, other than my personal site, on the root, i am hosting a friend's site on a subdirectory. my site is also on a frame redirect. what is the maximum of add-on domains i can have? i saw 3 on the cpanel. is there any way i can increase this? i have 6 sites of my own hosted in this...
  18. H

    website url not showing properly

    hello! i dont know whether this question would be a apache issue or a domain configuration issue or a DNS issue, but please help me out on this. here the problem: i have a domain, www, this domain is forwarded to my space on X10 servers at...
  19. H

    info discrepancy and MySQL issues

    oh, thank you, let me try and see if i can get it to run. thanx and lot! Ritu.
  20. H

    info discrepancy and MySQL issues

    hello! i am very very satisfied with my ad-free plan, and i am planning to upgrade to paid hosting very soon. i have some querries: 1) cpanel says i have 300 mb of server space (which is true) and the account page at shows i have "error MB" please take a look...