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    Name Series!

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    Suspension for high-usage?

    My account has been suspended due to high resource uses. I had two part of the site. One is a web site for mobile web and another is personal profile site. I tried in automatic suspension removal. For notification purpose posting here.
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    Alternatives for XAMPP?

    All wamp type AMPs' and their comparison can be foud here
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    frnd tomar website er concept ta good but design full page nie korte parte.. Look ta arektu...

    frnd tomar website er concept ta good but design full page nie korte parte.. Look ta arektu better hoto
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    Hello Anirban, nice to meet you. I'm studying BSc in Electronics and Telecommunication...

    Hello Anirban, nice to meet you. I'm studying BSc in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering at North South University, Dhaka. I'm too a freelance web programmer. 1ques. Are you Bangali?
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    [PHP Tut] Make your own CAPTCHA

    you can have some more security if you use like this: $_SESSION['captcha']=md5($str); and then if (md5($_POST['user_entry'])==$_SESSION['captcha']) {echo "Correct!";}
  7. N

    php sessions not working?

    you can add this line at the top of your script to hide error message <?php error_reporting(0); ?> remember this won't solve the issue, just hide the error message. To solve the issue you need to use session_start(); before any of your output. (i.e any header or html or any client side...
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    Constructive Review: Top 10 reviewers site will be added to my site

    I've just added a new guestbook(new domain too), how is it?
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    406 Not Acceptable

    It is not working yet, can you please confirm will it ever work?
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    Help me in sending Email

    Hello I wrote a php script that sends email but the problem is that the email goes to spam folder. Please help me sending email directly in inbox. { # -=-=-=- MIME BOUNDARY $mime_boundary = $sitename.md5(time()); # -=-=-=- MAIL HEADERS...
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    Constructive Review: Top 10 reviewers site will be added to my site

    thank you for all your reviews. *Guestbook color combination is due to mixture of previous non-css based site and applying new css to it. Not only color, it is spam friendly too. Thanks I'm going to build new guestbook. Give me a suggestion, what should I use, "captcha code" or "login required"...
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    Constructive Review: Top 10 reviewers site will be added to my site

    Address : Please remember it is a mobile web (wap 2.0) site and optimized for mobile phone screen. 10 best reviewers site url will be added to my site.
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    406 Not Acceptable

    Still not working, So I'm reopening thread
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    406 Not Acceptable

    My site is a mobile forum(for mobile browser). There is a section where mobile user can share their files max 2mb ( like attachment in desktop browsers forum). But the users can not upload more than 50KB files. If the file exceed 50KB it shows the following messege: Not Acceptable An...
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    you know how to give input to a function through form. Let 2 numbers are no1 and no2 Now write...

    you know how to give input to a function through form. Let 2 numbers are no1 and no2 Now write a function with this code if(no1 > no2){ alert("Larger Number is " +no1);} else if(no1 < no2){ alert("Larger Number is " +no2); } else{ alert("Numbers are equal "); }
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    [OFFER][Free] Put link into my site Mobile Web 2.0 site
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    TAFE Student - Check my javascript.. line 31 int 40

    I think some other things should also be fixed. I'm pasting full code here: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Fuel Economy</TITLE> <script type="text/javascript"> function updatesum() { if (document.form1.dist.value=="") { alert("Fill in the distance"); } else if (document.form1.fuel.value=="") {...
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    TAFE Student - Check my javascript.. line 31 int 40

    There are two mistakes. 1. The code is <input type="button" value="Calculate" onClick="updatesum"> will be <input type="button" value="Calculate" onClick="updatesum()"> 2. The code is document.write("<center><table border="1" bgcolor="gray"><tr><td>Total cost</td><td>$" + total.toFixed(2)...
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    STUDENT - Javascript problem

    Your code was almost ok, the problem was that you have forgot adding the values. The thing is that any programming language always show the last assigned value. Here is the fixed code: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> New Document </TITLE> </HEAD> <script> function compute() {...