Search results

  1. J

    www. required?

    My site ( used to work under just Then, when i got my subdomain removed, and squichem made the main. It doesn't work anymore. It may sound strange, but i get quite a few complaints about it. If it's fixable please do Thanks Mike
  2. J

    Need Help installing this mud client again!

    I got it working! but the problem is i need to put it on like, a server on my ip ( That connects to the client, i'm fine with that the problem is that the school computers won't allow ANY address with :(PORT) in them so i can't access cpanel or...
  3. J

    Installing a web based MUD client?

    Anyone tried it? anyone know one?! I have a server and i would like a java based MUD client, but i have no clue where to find one. I searched google. Nothing.. Thanks for your help -Mike
  4. J

    Any good tikiwiki users out there? (PRoblem)

    Ok. heres my jam I installed TikiWiki Right from fantastico. right away i get errors. Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in /home/jimbob/public_html/hsb/lib/adodb/ on line 2736 Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in...
  5. J

    Buying domain, Need help

    Ok.. So I have the domain. What do i do ;). I would like to make it so that when they go to the address doesn't change (don't ask me why. But I THINK that if i redirected it would change the address to my subdomain when the page loads) number 2 I'd like it so that...
  6. J

    Smf Forum issues

    when I attempt to visit my forum. I get this ( )
  7. J

    Anyone Care To Rate my template?

    It's the bandwidth express children! Hop on at
  8. J

    Family recieving hosting

    Hey guys.. I have friends and family who aren't exactly tech savvy who would like to have website's (my grandmother just put up a hosting request) and a cousin would also like one.. Is there a way i can recieve their details to get them set up with a mambo script or something to get them...
  9. J

    Any tips for a beginner forum runner?

    Hey. I'm using SMF and i was wondering if anyone had any tips to having a great forum that people will love :D.. Also some good ways to get members you can check out what i have so far by going to then clicking on forum.. Thanks in advance -Mike
  10. J

    double Ad's (Question)

    I have 2 frames on my site, one at the top one at the side, and i load my forum into my main frame, for easier navigation. Do i have to have an ad on the forum and the frame at the top because it looks kinda dumb Just check out then click enter, then forum and you'll...
  11. J

    Google Haxxor (no not hacking google)

    You might all know about it, but if not i might as well point it out, it's just a cool little "easter egg" to google I salute google, if you check under language tools there are a bunch of other funny ones
  12. J

    Mambo Problem (Mommy)

    Oookay. So I'm running mambo and i go to put an image in right? and instead of getting that nice little popup i get an ugly popup that says stuff like {$lang_insert_image_title} {$lang_insert_image_src}: {$lang_insert_image_alt}: {$lang_insert_image_align}...
  13. J

    Weird Mambo ad Problem?

    Hey! I have a problem with mambo that doesn't matter much but it bothers me a bit.. If you check out (mambo installation) you will see that the ad is properly installed but there is a big chunk of white space right below.. It bothers me to see it :innocent: . Has...
  14. J

    Server issues? or my own? (Wiki)

    Well, when i load up my wiki it works fine, log in and i get this Warning: fopen(modules/cache//mod-Menu.tpl.en.cache): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/jimbob/public_html/wiki/tiki-modules.php on line 146 Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource...
  15. J

    Any Psp Online players out there?!

    anyone play psp online (Wifi)? I'm starting a group typed dealie so that people can organize games easily and such, I don't have any online games I don't think ;).. I thought thug 2 remix was but its only local.. anyways if you wanna sign up (i just started it) Head over to...
  16. J

    Browser based rpgs

    anyone ever tried to make one? I want to make like a forum based one but i have no clue how to install cashmod for phpbb :D. I was just wondering if anyone was succesfull in making one of these games, and if they had any tips for like, a forum based game. AND how to get cashmod installed. I'm...
  17. J

    Anyone use tikiwiki and put the ads in good?

    Check it out I can't figure out how/where to make the top part bigger or something.. Any suggestions?
  18. J

    Ad's aren't showing up! You guys get anything?!
  19. J

    Sql Problem

    I make an sql, but under The connection strings area, i get this.. $dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "jimbob_jimbob", "<PASSWORD HERE>") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db ("jimbob_Php"); I ignored it at first, and went to create a php...
  20. J

    Scroll box in flash?

    I would like to make a scroll box in flash with all the news in it. I have no clue what to do. there is a generator object that seems to use external sources, if anyone knows how to properly use it (i've tried putting random txt files in) I would be very happy :) Thanks :homestar: