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  1. as4s1n

    Windows services broken

    Yea, I scanned when I realized something was wrong and removed it. Unfortunately, the damage had already been done.
  2. as4s1n

    Windows services broken

    Sorry, it's windows 7. I already looked through Dial-a-fix, is there a similar program for W7?
  3. as4s1n

    Windows services broken

    I downloaded a game from a supposedly reputable source and I found several problems with my computer afterwards. Several services aren't working properly, I don't know how many aren't working but a few that I do know are: Wireless/wire adapter, sound and probably most importantly, system...
  4. as4s1n

    Javascript Validation

    Sorry, it was a copy error. The register button has an onclick event with that. It still doesn't work.
  5. as4s1n

    Javascript Validation

    I am writing a validation script and I need it not to go to the page which it would if the form was correct when it isn't. I think it has something to do with the action attribute of the form element, however, I've already used return false JS: function validateForm(help) { var...
  6. as4s1n

    PHP error report script - PDO::prepare not working

    Well, I guess since this is just a test site this is to be expected. I've been practicing on this site and this block of code is older (mostly because I was practicing AJAX). I haven't really updated this since a few months ago I changed to PDO. I guess I might as well recreate it from scratch...
  7. as4s1n

    PHP error report script - PDO::prepare not working

    Ok, here goes: Requested page (via ajax): <?php #Admin delete post DEFINE("CURPAGE","DELETEPOSTADMIN.php"); session_start(); include("dbc.php"); include("../SL_modules.php"); if(!isset($_SESSION['loggedin']) || $_SESSION['loggedin'] != 'Admin Sikuneh') { echo "You do not have...
  8. as4s1n

    PHP error report script - PDO::prepare not working

    No, it still doesn't work. I have no idea what's wrong still. I referenced both my module page and the dbc page on each but it still doesn't work.
  9. as4s1n

    PHP error report script - PDO::prepare not working

    Yeah, it's working on all my other pages... Wait a second, if I call this page using an AJAXREQUEST can it still use variables defined on an include that was called at the top of the page (the one making the ajax request)?
  10. as4s1n

    PHP error report script - PDO::prepare not working

    I have a script set up so that if there is an error on any page a PM is sent directly to me. The only problem is, that whenever there is an error I always get the same error: Fatal error: Call to a member function prepare() on a non-object in home/sikuneh/public_html/inc/SL_modules.php on...
  11. as4s1n

    I cannot get to my subdomain. It always returns "404 error"

    Aren't subdomains referenced by Similar to x10's A server issue hmm, how long does a fix like that take usually?
  12. as4s1n

    I cannot get to my subdomain. It always returns "404 error"

    Nope, still doesn't work.
  13. as4s1n

    I cannot get to my subdomain. It always returns "404 error"

    You mean remaking it?
  14. as4s1n

    Javascript mouseoffset problem - Box that is offset stays in the same place

    I am making a hover-offset menu and I got it mostly working. However, when you hover over the roots (links for each menu) the menu pops up, but unforutnately, the same place which is fine for root1, but when you get to root3 you can't get to the menu. I think the coordinates I get are of the...
  15. as4s1n

    I cannot get to my subdomain. It always returns "404 error"

    Sorry I forgot to put in the subdomain.
  16. as4s1n

    I cannot get to my subdomain. It always returns "404 error"

    I tried to get to my subdomain but it returned a 404 error page. I don't know how long it has been down but I need it back up. My domain is Thanks in advance.
  17. as4s1n

    jQuery hover menu - Nothing works

    Thanks Misson, that makes so much more sense now.
  18. as4s1n

    jQuery hover menu - Nothing works

    I'm sorry, I am still in the dark with that. I just can't seem to figure it out. I worked on something a year ago and dropped it because I never understood this. My guess would be something along these lines: // ... $("#navi-menu .HM_menuItem a").hover( function() {...
  19. as4s1n

    jQuery hover menu - Nothing works

    Oh yea, I completely blanked about that $(document).ready(function() {});. The reason I was using $.find() was because I was looking on Dark Horizons they have a menu with code like this: $("#content-navigation .navigation-tongue").hover( function () {...