Search results

  1. jmcgowan

    JS and CSS files not applying

    I set up a simple webpage on my site with a .css file and a .js file to go with it. After putting some sample/test code in all three files, I opened up the page and I can see the content from the html file, but not the styles or scripts from the other two files. When I looked at the page source...
  2. jmcgowan

    Hosting Account Disappeared

    I had a hosting account with x10 that was connected to two domain names: and, but now when I log in a get a message saying "No Web Hosting Account". What happened to my account? Is there any way to get it back? Thank you.
  3. jmcgowan

    Help with unsuspension

    Thank you! Is there a particular cause behind that 'process wait' message, or does it just happen sometimes?
  4. jmcgowan

    Help with unsuspension

    My account was suspended for high resource usage and I went through the process to unsuspend myself. However, now it's stuck at "process wait" and won't finish with the unsuspension. This is the second time that this has happened. Can someone unsuspend my account? Thank you!
  5. jmcgowan

    Account Suspension

    Thank you.
  6. jmcgowan

    Account Suspension

    My account has been suspended for high resource usage thanks to Wordpress, but it has been stuck in Process Wait for a little bit now. Normally I can unsuspend myself and it only takes a few minutes. Thank you.
  7. jmcgowan

    Constantly Suspended

    I keep getting suspended for high resource usage. Is there any way to find out what it is on my site that is causing the high resource usage? If not I figure I can just start disabling stuff and see if it works, but I'd love to know if there's an easier way first. Thank you.
  8. jmcgowan

    CNAME Record Problems

    Thank you Zubair. Techairlines, if what you wrote is true than that is likely my mistake, because I had added it as a subdomain first. Now I'm wondering how I pulled it off the first time, because I thought I had done it the same way.
  9. jmcgowan

    CNAME Record Problems

    I'm trying to get myself setup with Google Apps again (it got broken during the last migration), but everytime I try to set up the CNAME record to forward the subdomain it gives me an error. The setting should be... name: mail record: If this has already been addressed I...
  10. jmcgowan

    Question about bandwidth usage

    My account got suspended earlier today for high resource usage, which isn't really a big deal because I was able to unsuspend myself, but in looking into the resource usage, I noticed that both my account page and cPanel list my bandwidth usage as 0, which I know isn't true because at the very...
  11. jmcgowan

    website not found

    Anna, thanks for the response. It is indeed working now, except for the mail link as you had mentioned. Out of curiousity was there something that needed to be done or did it work itself out in the end? Thank you!
  12. jmcgowan

    website not found

    So far it's been five days and my website is still giving the same error. To be honest, I have not had time to try Derek's advice because they block cPanel at work for me and because of the hours I work I haven't had time at home to try it. Has anyone had a chance to look into the DNS settings...
  13. jmcgowan

    website not found

    My main website,, is showing the cPanel "Default Web Site Page" instead of the index.php. When I try to access other pages on the site I get a 404 error. I checked cPanel and all of my files are still there, so I'm figuring the DNS isn't pointing at the new server yet or...
  14. jmcgowan

    Is it common to keep Sucking at Creating a Website?

    That overly hyped up fanboy crap thing current holds a large portion of the market share for internet search websites. You may not like Google, but the fact is that the majority of internet users will go to Google anytime they need to find something. Add to that the fact the more people find...
  15. jmcgowan

    Speaking for all, seeking help.

    smartflight - you knowingly violated the TOS and now you're insisting that the admins work harder to make a free site work better? No offense, but you would have done better to not say anything at all. I agree that the service has been inconsistent lately, but we're not paying for it. Every day...
  16. jmcgowan

    PHP 'allowed memory size' error

    You my friend are incredible. Problem resolved. Thank you!
  17. jmcgowan

    PHP 'allowed memory size' error

    I am receiving the following error in several different places in my WordPress installation. I've read a few posts saying that during the server move the php size limit or some such was set at 32M and will be increased to 64M once everything is settled. Is this still the case? If not, what else...
  18. jmcgowan

    MySQL Errors

    I also had the lost connection error yesterday, fixed it and was able to make a couple posts to my blog. Now today I got the error again and the two posts that I made yesterday are gone. Is there any kind of indication if this is going to happen again?
  19. jmcgowan

    Website not working

    Sorry about the confusion from my earlier post, but I originally found this post in the 'suggestions and comments' forum. I believe someone moved the thread to the free hosting support thread. Either that or I was half asleep when I replied and got confused.
  20. jmcgowan

    Website not working

    Check for your answers. The admin types are updating that page as news becomes available. In short, it's a universal issue for about 2000 people on chopin and they're working on it. On another note: It's been said that anyone who posts support requests in this forum will...