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  1. fflandrath53

    Sessions drop?

    essellar, I understand and I'm sure Corey and his staff can clear this up in short order. Your point about a db based session system makes a lot of sense and it does appear not to be as big a job as I first thought. thanks again...
  2. fflandrath53

    problem with sessions

    Hi amalfra79, I'm having the same problem at
  3. fflandrath53

    Sessions drop?

    Oh hell, looks like I posted too soon. Sessions are screwed up again! I also notice a new thread on the same subject so it's not just me. Something was changed somewhere and it's having a downstream effect, it's pretty frustrating. Should I open a ticket?
  4. fflandrath53

    Sessions drop?

    Hello essellar, Today, after about 10 hours from log in it appears my session is remaining valid ... quite the turn-around from the last few days. But that's cool, it looks like things are back to normal (whatever that is) ...:smile: Putting session on Mysql is an interesting idea and I'll...
  5. fflandrath53

    Sessions drop?

    Hi ellescuba27, Thank you for your reply. The "require" (include) seems to be working fine as shown above. According to the php manual, "Because include() is a special language construct, parentheses are not needed around its argument." Yes, I have session_start() on each page where...
  6. fflandrath53

    Sessions drop?

    Hello everyone, Over the last few days I've noticed that sessions seem to be dropping and logging users out in shorter and shorter amounts of time? I have not made any changes to my script (see code below) at Prior to this, sessions would last indefinitely, or until a user...
  7. fflandrath53

    strange scolling?

    You are right, does not happen in Chrome, also not in FF. I didn't test ie because the application runs very poorly on it...
  8. fflandrath53

    strange scolling?

    I should have mentioned that it's happening on latest Opera. I'll check other browsers tomorrow. I have also noticed it is intermittent... especially now that I've pointed it out :) Thanks essellar.
  9. fflandrath53

    strange scolling?

    Hello all, Here's a bit of XHTML from the Roller~Poster main page, please note the "imgCache" div. This div is populated with bookmark images via javascript/XML. The wierd thing I have not been able to figure out is why, just after loading, if I place the mouse-pointer on the vertical scroll...
  10. fflandrath53


    Hi everyone, I upgraded from free hosting last month and have set up the latest release of Roller~Poster at my new domain, Please have a look and let me know your thoughts. Thank you and thank you X10 hosting... Floyd (greenfloyd)
  11. fflandrath53

    Please cancel/remove this account (

    I no longer need this account so please flush it when you get the chance.... Thanks. Floyd
  12. fflandrath53


    Hey rich_boyz16, I was redirected to and received the following: Website Specified Does Not Exist When it comes to free web site hosting, x10Hosting is an industry leader. The features offered in our packages are unparalleled compared to our competition...
  13. fflandrath53

    The Script that Would Not Die

    So, to close out this thread, here's the final code I came up with to copy hot linked images to my x10 files... HTML and Javascript <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html...
  14. fflandrath53

    Please review my site

    Why? Sometimes it's difficult to remain honest, and not appear rude. You need content, much more content. Reviews and tech specs would be a good place to start, considering the topic. The template is boring, doesn't hold my interest for very long. You should probably stick with Spanish...
  15. fflandrath53

    The Script that Would Not Die

    Ok! It appears The Script that Would Not Die, had died. RIP... Now back to the original problem: Roller~Poster collects bookmarks. Each bookmark contains an image, user selected or a default. Up to now many of these images were hot linking and thus a departure from accepted best...
  16. fflandrath53


  17. fflandrath53

    The Script that Would Not Die

    Ok, when it comes to programming I'm living proof a little knowledge is dangerous. A php script to clean-up some hot links was launched, it appeared to process for a while then it crashed. The first strangeness, the server displayed a "web site temporarily unavailable" page instead of a...
  18. fflandrath53

    I need some SERIOUS HELP with word press site with PLUG INS

    I'm interested. So, exactly what needs doing? Is the url in your post the site in question?
  19. fflandrath53

    DATABASE ERROR: CONNECTION FAILED! Unable to connect to the database! Please cont

    Re: DATABASE ERROR: CONNECTION FAILED! Unable to connect to the database! Please I have not tested, but it appears webmail is now loading fine. Thank you.
  20. fflandrath53

    DATABASE ERROR: CONNECTION FAILED! Unable to connect to the database! Please cont

    I have been messing around with browser email client and have managed to screw-up my x10 email account I have tried deleting and re-creating the account but I keep getting this message after sign-in... DATABASE ERROR: CONNECTION FAILED! Unable to connect to...