Business related websites and income producing websites should not be on free hosting at x10Hosting or anywhere else IMHO. These types of websites should be on a paid hosting plan, possibly even a VPS depending on what you plan to do with your website. Free hosting is not well suited for websites which are extremely important to your income or day to day life. That applies to x10Hosting and any other free hosting providers out there.
Ditto, if it's making money, give some back. I use this for one of my satellites, but it makes a little money and when it's on it has a little PR too. One other thing about free hosting. Allot of them are considered "Bad Neighborhoods" by Google. I had two free hosts that were associated drop two of my sites 3 days apart. On both occasions, sites that were linked to increased thier traffic, one site increased 200% the firest time a site went out, then another 200% INCREASE 3 DAYS LATER.
Flaw? Can you expound on that? I'm using cPanel on several servers and during one upgrade it was causing 500 errors for a few minutes, but only during the upgrade. As far as I know, cPanel hasn't had a true flaw in several updates. What I saw in my cPanel there was a restoration problem, but if cPanel was at fault for it I'd not be able to argue with that.
we can dig up the packaged file and move it over, and restore onto the paid server instead of the free server.
You can do that? Take a site from the free side and restore it to the paid side? I know you can, but to hear a host volunteer... you know.