It was stated that php mail() function,ASP.NET and several other features were turned off due to the resources they used and/or the monitoring they required and would not be turned back on until the server work was completed. It was also stated by Corey that there was at least a week's worth of stuff to be done, but hopefully it would be shorter than that, so nothing was completed in 48hrs.
Starka no longer exists it was moved to Stoli.
There are only 3 free servers now: Chopin, Stoli, Lotus
The News and Announcements Board have threads that discuss this:
Latest Updates 6/18/09 Corey
Latest Updates 6/14/09 Corey
and the Off Topic Board has a place you can reply to the updates:
Latest Update 6/18/09 News Thread Response (
1 2) Corey
All the stuff I talk about above has been discussed in the links I posted, the staff is aware of all these issues and has said if you receive an error that you account is not linked to an x10Hosting account to open a ticket indicating so.
So open the ticket and be patient. Just because you open a ticket does not mean it will be solved in a short time, they are still completing the server move.
I for one am extremely grateful they are performing these server upgrades to improve the performance we all see on our sites collectively. There is no way to avoid downtime when upgrading servers by moving the content to new servers: no magical wand or 24th century tech.
Corey and his staff do a lot for us considering we do not have priority support, we do not pay to have excellent service including but not limited to: SMTP, POP3, php sendmail, PHP, and .NET. There are very few reliable free hosts that offer this kind of inclusive package without requiring a minimum amount of posts on boards or requiring to have ads displayed on the pages.
Many of you have recently joined and were caught up in the hectic chaos that is the server move, bad timing, however it
does not reflect the
quality of service offered by x10Hosting.
I apologize for length of my post however I felt the need to say all of this because it becomes tiresome reading day after day how horrible x10hosting is when in point of fact they are not