Security flaw...there have only been 15 (i'm pulling numbers out of a hat) known cases of wordpress users hacks being done the way that flaw would have left you to do it.
Heck, I go and look for updates for wordpress maybe...ummmhmmmhhmm NEVER...
You see, since that 15 count I just mentioned above, from the time they posted that "CRITICAL SECURITY FLAW MESSAGE" hacks successful increased 12%
Do you guys see what I am saying...hell, it would have been better to just leave the security flaw...couple hundred wordpresses hacked in ow lets say 5 years is better than the couple hundred hacked in the last 3 weeks or less.
Sometimes I think people are idiots, mentioning such security flaws like that in public. Just have a new update come up when you're in the panel, don't go around screaming SECURITY HACK, SECURITY FLAW...
Why don't people think before they act? Because they act with their Empty HEAD, not their common sense.
...That was dramatic, but hey, it's my first crossfire post in a while now...
I see people aren't soo rallied up anymore as they used too...I think they need to change the crossfire forum rules a little so I don't turn out to be the most worked up anymore

---------- Post added at 07:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 PM ----------
Rules of Crossfire Welcome to Crossfire. This forum is the only place where heated debates and discussions ensue. With this in mind Crossfire requires a level of maturity and dedication the other forums do not have. First and foremost read the rules and regulations of X10 forums here. All the...
Started by Kayos, 06-12-2009 12:02 AM" don't understand whats going on..