Yes, exactly.In the current font it's sometimes hard to see 1.0 as in one point zero. The point just runs into the 1 when typing a message in. (I.e. the bottom of the 1 is just extended, instead of a point appearing.) All other numbers are fine, e.g 2.0, 3.0 etc. So yes, there is a valid point (pardon the pun)behind changing font.
@namespace url(;
@-moz-document domain("") {
body {
font-family:Verdana !important;
.alt1pb {
font-family:Verdana !important;
I can't believe this wasn't 100% agreement.
Doesn't make us wrong, just ignorant. I was using GreaseMonkey to change fonts... :nuts: (Do all browser's support such settings?)
Ps. I like that Gnome theme.
I used that theme on Debian Etch, where it was in gnome-theme-extras , ("back in the days..."), it's called Gorilla, more info here. (Ok, I'm not called sharky, but I'm kinda answering the question .)Ehh, it's alright but I like the default better.
Sharky, where did you find that theme?