Considering your website is optimized for a mobile device, its layout is simple and easy for anyone to understand, perspicuous is the appropriate term to use. I do have one suggestion though, clicking on the "guestbook" link, one is taken to a visually unpleasant page. I would recommend changing the color combination as black, red, and green do not go well together in the context in which you used them. That arrangement violates every color theory there is, and is on the contrary, a vivid example of faulty color coexistence.
Browsing through the rest of the website I found useful information and points of interest. It is my believe someone will certainly find that place informative.
This extremely short review depicts an honest opinion from an unbiased source. It is your choice whether to accept and apply my suggestion, or choose to ignore it...don't worry my feelings won't be hurt in any way. I'm stoical like that