Creationism vs Evolution

Which side are YOU on?

  • Creationism

    Votes: 20 45.5%
  • Evolution

    Votes: 24 54.5%

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Joker Boy

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lol. I won't...except for maybe Apes. Or God. But the only thing is, when you believe in creationism, you still have all these religions. religions are the leading cause of death in all of history. There should be a new topic about that with a poll saying: What do you think has the leading cause of death in history? 1. Diseases. 2. Religion 3. Predators (other animals)


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there is so much wrong wiht the biblical creation account i wouldn't even know where to begin. the theory of evolution, although it does still have a few points to work out, holds up much better in light of the evidence.


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Its not that Creationism is impossible. Its not that it doesn't make sense. Its the simple fact of how impropable it is for some being from the heavens (or cosmos--whichever way you'd like to look at it) to suddenly snap his/her/its fingers and the first humans appear on Earth.

This is how I generally think of the Bible, God, and all of that: Sometime early in the human race, someone had the brilliant idea of how to control people. You take an all-knowing being that can strike people dead, and that thinks you're right--and get some people to believe--boom: instant command.

I think the Bible and God arose as a form of power over everybody else. Think of how, in the middle ages over in Europe (and even now, to a certain degree) how much influence the church had. Why? Well, would you want to piss off someone who could call on God and strike you down dead?

The fact is, people are so threatened by going to Hell and want to go to Heaven (which, in effect, creates a system of basic morals and values that I thank God--haha--that we have) and of pissing off the big guy upstairs, that they WILL follow whatever the church has to say. The system is psychological.

Think of it: Your whole life, your parents talk about God. If they don't, you know at least 50 other people who do. You see on television, on the movies. There are buildings in his name. So, even if the idea is absolutly NUTS (because, when you really think about it--what are the odds?) you come to accept it. Eventually, you come to believe it, and try to pass it down to others.

The fact is, even if what I say it true, religion is an ESSENTIAL part of what goes in on our world. It gives us a set of rules to abide by. If there was no religion, complete anarchy would unfurl: chaos in the streets, murders, rapes, and that sort happening everywhere, because no one feels they need to follow the rules anymore. Society relies on religion to survive (and there is strong evidence that many an empire has crumbled from religion) and be run properly, as does religion serve its purpose by controlling society.

In short, evolution doesn't make much sense either: as you already stated, 99% of all creatures that have evolved, the preceeding race had dissapeared.

My theory on evolution--and believe me, I have many--is that we evolved to adapt to a changing planet. Maybe it was an ice age. Maybe it was a global warming. The fact is, something probably forced some animal to evolve, and that power that did it was so gradual that it allowed the animal (whose to say it was apes? For all we know, it could've been fish!) to adapt to it. Apparently, this meant an intellegent retune--quite literally.

So, evolution seems more plausile, per se'; but that isn't to say that the idea of a far-fetched theory such as creationism isn't true.

For all we know, an alien race that resides millions of light years from our planet fired an alien spore which spawned all life on our planet. We could simply be some accident of Earth chemistry. We could all be intangible masses living in some fish's mind!

These are questions that have arisen since the dawn of mankind. I see no closure on these questions anytime soon, and just as well--

Some things are better left a mystery.


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Creation without a doubt!

There are just too many holes in the Evolution story. So you ask where did God come from? Well I ask where did the sludge or the rocks or whatever your theory come from? They had to come from somewhere. Something had to make them. Another hole in the Evo story is isotope 214, it leaves a halo in granite and its half life is .02 of a sec, that means it’s come and gone faster than you can snap your fingers, scientists cannot duplicate this isotope at all. It cannot occur in lava and it’s all over the world. Another thing in
Creations favor is the flood. You can look just about anywhere and find shells as well as fossils of fish. The whole thing about dinosaurs being millions of years older than humans has also been disproven as several human footprints have been fossilized inside dinosaurs footprints. So many of you would ask where the dinosaurs went right? What happened to them? Well the answers also in the bible if you calculate the size of the ark and the size of the dinosaurs you find out they would never fit in the ark. There just too big. As for carbon dating that’s science works on a sliding scale so the farther back you go the less accurate it gets. I personally conducted a experiment using a pigs tooth from a pig skeleton I found in the desert as well as a deer rib from a skeleton my grandfathers been saving (don’t ask me why it wasn’t my idea to save it) to be carbon dated they said the pigs tooth was about 15 years old which might be true but they also said the deer rib was 86 years old when I knew for a fact that it died 64 years ago! So how did they get to 78?! Well I asked them and learnt they can only date things accurately to about 50 years and the further back you go the worse harder it is for them to be able to date it.
Well I have more but I think this should do for now.
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While some of you may argue that everything on earth had to come from somewhere and that science can't prove where everything came from, you have to understand that science isn't perfect. No scientist in their right mind would say so.

An example of this occurs way back, when people thought the Earth was a flat disc, and that if you went too far, you would fall off! Some guy thought that, and what did he do to prove his theory? I guess he just slouched back on his chair, stopped caring about it, and spread it as fact.

And in the Middle Ages, people thought that everything revolved around Earth, probably because it looked like everything revolved around Earth. Then Copernicus came along, proposed a new theory that we believe today, and in return, he got ignored because the Bible contradicted what was true.

Science proved the theories believed by people in the Middle Ages were wrong. And science again will prove Creationists wrong. Maybe it'll be in my generation; perhaps the ones of my children; or even 500 years later. Then again, some people can't be changed (I remember that on the news there were talks about this Christian organization that taught children that the universe is an image, that us and our planet are the only things on the universe, and that women are the root of all evil :nuts: :nuts: :nuts: )
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LOL what you just said was sooo funny. have you ever even watched scientific trial between creation and evolution?
Iv been in one and it’s a fact that there are many questions that creationists cannot answer but compared to the quantity evolutionists can’t answer as well as all the proof the scientific community throws out because it can be explained it becomes trivial. As for everyone thinking the world was flat in the 15-1600 that’s not true as quit a few people knew the earth was round but the scientific community of the time would not believe them as they generally came from the working population and not from the system that was in place at the time. I believe Evolution will be disproved within my life time as several Evolutionist scientists have already said they were wrong about it and the Big Bang/Darwinism cannot be proven scientifically or otherwise. It is just another way for man to try and make himself seem more important and seemingly give him more control over his life.


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One excludes the other? I don't think so. And neither did Darwin, according to many sources.

If it's creationism, how do you know that evolution isn't the way creationism works?
If it's evolution, how do you know there isn't some guiding force?

Joker Boy

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I just got back from my grandad's 80th b-day and on Sunday we went to church in his town. The service was great, but towards the end for about 20 minutes the guy pretty much said that they all had to go out and convert people, take over the town (it's a small town), reach out to them. He said he didn't care if they went to another church, hand them our service pamphlet. Go to McDonalds (there's a local McDonalds too...go figure. They're everywhere!) and hand out cards. Do anything it takes.

That's pretty much what he said, I don't agree with this. I say offer, but if they don't want to, don't make them. He is the guy who makes people go out and slay others. And he does it in the name of christ. That makes me sick.


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SEÑOR said:
I believe in god but theres just so many facts that lean me towards science. Like Yeah I can sya Ive never seen god! But than I have never seen australia in person either so how do I know that exists?

Why Don't you try reading the Bible so tat you can see what real and whats not! I know somebody here doesnt believe in God but you only think that we never saw him how could we believe in him! right? I could say find a Reverent or a Pastor or eithier a Priest so that you can understand more about him!!!!;)

I agree to evry one who votes with Creationism! God Bless!


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The bible's not a reliable source. It was written over two thousand years ago and has been subject to time a translation. In truth there is no phyical evidence that proves God is real. In fact Christianity could be the greatest conspiracy of all time.

Tying this post back to the topic. God could have been the driving force behind evolution but I don't think that he made people out of mud and with a command the world was created.

I'm more towards that an electrical current running through a tiny tide pool with the right protiens and other chemicals created life. (Don't remember exactly but there was an expirament that proved that life was possible this way. some scientist ran an electrical current through some chemicals and created a sustance that could support life or something like that)
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May be ur right that the bible still a doubt to us and wondering if it says true but why not exploring the place where we all came from. the time of mesopotamia and all time of christ! for it is on the history and every mankind know it! that there was a man came that called THE ONE and will come again!


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you talking about the Matrix (yes i know the stroy was based on the bible) or God?

your following blind faith instead of facts. (btw this is way off topic)


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i voted creationism.
I believe in God, it's the only truth for me.


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anita said:
i voted creationism.
I believe in God, it's the only truth for me.
Satisfy my curiosity, since I always like a good debate. What facts support this opinion?


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It really depends on whether your an atheist or a theist. An atheist would believe in the evolution theory because, purely, they don't believe in God. But a theist would believe in the Creation story (depending on their religion). Myself, I'm an atheist so I believe in the evolution theory.


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DJL2K said:
It really depends on whether your an atheist or a theist. An atheist would believe in the evolution theory because, purely, they don't believe in God. But a theist would believe in the Creation story (depending on their religion). Myself, I'm an atheist so I believe in the evolution theory.

Not true. You're basically sterotyping all atheists and theists. I know plenty of people who don't believe we came from God or the sea (evolution, long story short). Quit generalizing! :)

Amorphous Ice

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Something I feel I should point out.

Textbooks, activists, and supports of any of the 'theories' tend to use subtle wording to their advantage, and so common folks like us (those of us who not devoted to this topic as a science) will throw around the words we hear and unwittingly spread the propaganda.

For example...

Of all of the textbooks and articles that I have read, not a one of them take the time to examine their vocabulary before plainly making a statement, such as "The theory of evolution is fact."

The FACT is, it IS NOT A THEORY. A theory is a hypothesis which has been tested repeatedly over and over and proven to be true... A theory that has been inexistance for a very long time and can not be challenged becomes a law.

Both evolution and creatiionism are hypothesis... they can not be tested, nor proved, nor disproved. A 'hypothesis' is not a fact -- it is an idea. So to say that one or the other is 'correct' and then try to support it with OBSERVATIONS (the "lost day", or "natural selection") is simply tom-foolery. :)

I want to also point out that 'evolution' and 'darwinism' are NOT the same thing. Evolution is the idea that we naturally 'evolved' from apes. Darwinism actually approaches the topic of natural selection, which is completely different. Natural selection EXISTS, and it CAN be tested to be true. (( Explaining differentiations in birds that are isolated from one another on islands... on the flip side, 'artificial selection' is different, an example being controlled dog breeding))

In reply to the OP: Did anyone in your class bring up the other "theories", such as extraterrestial seeding?

And in response to the poll, I follow creationism. I'm an avid Christian and am unrelenting in my beliefs, but I am also a lover of science.


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I'm personally behind the extraterrestrial seeding theory. Call me crazy :3
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