But can you tell me that everything here just happened? Go outside and look at the stars. If your in some area that is far away from any city you will see thousands. How would they have been made if something or someone didn't create them?
And therein lies the limits of Human intelligence.
Quite simply, we are simple beings when it comes down to it. We like a clean cut case of cause and effect:
God created all creatures: thats why we exist.
However, when we start to question this theory: well who created God? If you take God (or the
gods, as most religions in history hold to be true) to be an unmeasureable, eternal force, why can you alternatively not accept that the "big bang" just happened, because it did?
I mean, science doesn't have all the answers, but its looking for them. In a logical, thorough, and iterative process.
On the flipside, just because some book (or books, depending on where you're looking) says something is true, it doesn't mean it is. I could say right now: You are all figments of my imagination. And I could believe that absolutely. But for you, the opposite could be true. The point here is that it is based on FAITH.
Faith, and belive systems wax and wane over the years. Ancient Roman and Greek gods are practically ignored these days in favour of monotheistic faiths. Whereas, 2000 or more years ago, entire empires of people believed absolutely in it.
Science, to a degree, is not subject to these changing tides of popularity. Ideas are theorised, tested, proved or disproved, and better ones are thought of over time.
Why does stuff fall to the ground? Because of gravity. What is gravity? And acceleration acting on a mass to produce a force. What creates gravity? A mass. Why does matter exert gravity on each other? I'm not sure, but I think someone has found a reason for it.
Ask a religious person for this reason, the simple, cause/effect answer is always: "because my god(s) made it that way."
Science evolves as new descoveries are made to better and better theories. Yes, you could argue that it sometimes went in the wrong direction, but in general it is always true.
Religion, not so much. "Oh, we better sacrifice to this god to please it" "nah, thats boring, it wastes resources" "we must praise this god everyday to please it." "Yeah, okay, but only once a week. I don't have enough time for every day."
"There must be a different god that controls each aspect of the world" "No way, thats too complicated, lets make it one all-powerful god."
From this (admittedly overly-simplified) view of religion, it would seem that religion does not evolve, but in fact, devolves into ever more simplistic terms. Terms of religion that satisfy the new world view of the religious populace at the time, and fit ever more easily around their increasingly easy lifestyle.
In the end, the image of gods, (and hence, the fact that they created everything) is a human construct. And therefore subject to human flaws. It was a originally created to serve as a comfort in a (then) massive and confusing world. The idea that there was an all powerful being that just created everything, controlled everything was comforting. If something went wrong, it was out of your hands. If something went right; PRAISE THE GODS!
It was at a time when the logical understanding and exploration of natural processes was impossible due to a harsh lifestyle and simply a lack of technology to explore it. The idea that everything was just created is an easy get out of a tough logic question.
So, in case you haven't realised, creationism is a lie. And worse, a lie in a time that we now know better.
Science holds all the answers, we just haven't found them yet.