Wow! That's world-class inactivity! I salute you sir. Do you have any tips for the merely lazy? I consider myself a gifted amateur, but am always looking for ways to raise my game.
This, seriously, is the most commonly recurring topic theme. Make sure you browse the forums quickly to make sure your log in registers with the system, meaning you won't get blocked. If you just login and leave straight away, the visit isn't necessarily registered, and the system thinks you haven't logged in in ages.
Also it is important to know that forum logins are the only ones that can reset the inactivity timer.
It doesn't matter if you visit cPanel or account panel daily, if you do NOT login to the forums your account will be flagged as inactive and get suspended.
Also you need to make sure you login to the forums prior to un-suspending your account, or just after, to avoid having the system flag you as inactive again on the next check.
Well, at leats now I know it isn't just mine... I thought I was going crazy as I have had to unsuspend at least twice this week, even after having posted in the forums ......hopefully I wont have to do it again tomorrow
If you are logging in to the forums a minimum of once every month and are still getting suspended for inactivity, you may be interested in reviewing the following page on my website to make sure you are doing everything correctly: