Your site appears to be working for me. Can you be more specific what the issue is?
You have been logging in correctly and your site is not suspended and it is not deleted. Thank you being vigilant with following the rules while the migration has been happening.
Do you have any custom domain that does not use our name servers? If so you need to manually update the A record at for that domain.
Also, for ftp, what are you using as host? If you have the server address rather then the x10 provided domain you would need to update the settings in your client to reflect that the server now has a new address.
Your account is now on xo6 will eventually be shut down.for many years always has been protocol: FTP
host name:
something change?
site is it up and working. new files ftp upload and download fine. site is not updated.
@trueinne Is your issue resolved? Please let us know if you need any help or this thread will be closed soon.