Hello again,
May I just inquire as to which version of Ubuntu you're running? Hardy Heron is the latest version if you've upgraded, it came out yesterday. The release prior to this one was Gutsy, you may be running this one. Or of course a previous release if you've had problems with the latest ones?
I'll try to help you resolve this.
Just justifying my reasons for posting terminal commands and for recommending FileZilla over Konqueror.
It's generally easier for users to follow commands through the Terminal because they can copy and paste. I've used Linux for about a year and already enough commands to not need a desktop (I run a server in a virtual machine here for testing, everything's done from a command line). Plus, I don't have to type as much and risk the user seeing things in a different language
Unless Alex Mac installed Kubuntu, Ubuntu uses the Gnome desktop environment, so as Konqueror is for KDE it wouldn't work for him.