Corey & the guys,
#1 - Seriously, thank you VERY MUCH for the detailed and honest update alert. It's nice to be told bout stuff.
#2 - I notice... From 250Gb HDD to a 75Gb HDD (Raptor by any chance?)... that's a pretty big space sacrifice! Although the good thing about SCSI is the ability to link a fairly large number of drives to one controller with no performance hit. Is that your eventual intention?
#3 - I'd like to thank you guys for providing a great free service, but unfortunately it is getting to the point where sometimes I just think "For ****'s sake they're down again.... Jesus..." - as you have to admit you have had an unacceptable amount of down time (even for the average free service), BUT...
#4 - It's really great how dedicated you are to providing the fastest, most up-to-date, 'cool' free hosting service out there. I've tried others and they lag months behind with updates, and don't really care about their free customers. Although it often pisses me off, it's nice to be a customer of such dedicated and professional personnel.
Keep it up, I hope it all goes as smoothly as possible, and sorry if I'm cheeky but let's hope this really DOES solve your problems, not just for my sake but for yours too.