Some asked about the header being so wide, affiliate status and the amount of text on the home page.
The header just fills the top of the screen conveniently, though I'll try it narrower in an A/B test to gauge if users react differently.
Yes, the main search box is an advertiser that sponsors it. If you look at any of the content pages (the keywords drip off this site) users have searches from several free sources to choose from, the sponsored search is free, including sign up.
The amount of text was a first attempt at wooing Google (or any other search engine) That's something else I'll be experimenting with, I'll cut back on that to see if there is any effect. Thank you for the suggestions about this, they are reminders in this case. I have a pocketful of sites and sometimes the new ones get left hanging a while.
Thanks for everyone commenting and checking the site so far, it's really nice to see people involved and I appreciate knowing folks are paying atention and not just signing in and running off to fulfill the forum condition for free hosting like I had been doing.
BTW: Any comments from users viewing this site with 1024x768 would be appreciated also, please let me know your screen resolution.