The background image is smaler then my screen resolution (1680x1050) so I get some white space on the sides (left and right) plus there's a horizontal line above "Powered by WordPress". I don't know if that's your way of visually separating the footer from the rest of the page but in any case it's not good.
On the left of your "Who am I", "Resume" and "Contact me" pages you have a "Recent Posts" box that has a dark gray background with black text on it :dunno: that's good.
On "Who am I" page the text has too much word space.
When you click on any photo there's page with that photo on the left and some text describing it to the right. There's also a "Post a Comment" section with one problem, it's position. This section is loaded below the photo instead below the "Designed by" section thus braking you overall design because your background image height is smaller then you page height. I suggest you use floats or whatever to fix this problem.