If you try to accelerate to or beyond the speed of light, you'll always find that the local speed of light is constant no matter how fast you are moving relative to, say, Earth.
You will perceive that earth is getting flatter and heavier with time passing more slowly while people on earth will perceive that you are getting flatter and heavier with time passing more slowly.
You are both correct.
A billion years of acceleration wouldn't make any difference.....
From its own viewpoint, a photon of light is created and destroyed instantaneously at the same place and time, even a photon that we see as having travelled from the Big Bang.
Relativity came about because Einstein realised that a wave of light travelling a finite distance in finite time was impossible.
If you think he's wrong better sell your computer quickly as relativistic theory and quantum mechanics were used in its design.....
While it is (apparently) impossible to send information or energy faster than light, Einstein and others, as mentioned earlier in the thread, did come up with 'spooky action at a distance' which was such a ridiculous logical deduction from quantum theory that Einstein hoped the whole thing would collapse.
This spooky action been demonstrated in various experiments eg
http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/18574 esp second paragraph
So if you want to send some action FTL look at sunlight through a pair of polaroid sunglasses.
If you rotate the sunglasses the photons which hit them are/were/will be affected by the angle of your glasses when they left the sun eight minutes earlier.
An early researcher said that if you think you understand quantum mechanics you don't.