well its like this
VBulletin - For use by business such as X10Hosting. Looks professional and looks good as well.
IPB - For Professional web designers.
phpBB forums (myBB, punBB) - For fun free, beginner use. Also for use by professionals but tend to be good for the beginners.
I agree 100%!vBulletin's ACP is huge. It took me 10 minutes to find the ban option, whereas IPB was much faster.
I been using IPB for a long time now, but I really would like to get a VB, there really out there now. There way too expensive though, but they got alot more features and just a more professional side of it. I love IPB as well its easy to use but some features i prefer VB
They do in fact have a lot more features. The thing that brings me down is the looks. vBulliten doesn't look good. It's overall system is good, but, I just don't like it. It is some sort of prejudice against it, but, I just don't like it...
IPB has the looks and the system (System doesn't beat vBulliten's though), so, that's why I like it.![]()
No, not really. Vanilla vBulletin doesn't have more features than IPB. In fact, if there aren't any vBulletin mods at all, the IPB would be the best. If you count mods, then vBulletin is much more flexible (And is better).