I'm not jealous of Compiz-Fusion for Linux because I've found it really **** and a turtle against Aero. But, more important, as a developer, I've developed for years on linux kernel and on Windows. The one thing that no one knows is that WPF Api's on Windows can make the so loved Beryls effect on every windows that want to implement them. Here the source:
Simply, as a thing that can do only an OS with WPF (XP with .NET 3.5 or Vista), business developers simply don't spend time (aka money, because of the equation time = money) to do these fancy effect. I've done by myself just because I like to do software at home, but at work no things like these required. Ad, of course, if you want to do something on the desktop, just pass the handle of the main desktop window (really, I remember 0) to the API's so you will modify your windows. And It's free, no more packets or windows manager like Compiz. Just the API of the Operating System.
As if you google, you will find much more examples and things that people done, like Bitmaps Alpha Maps to really shape a GUI object, and so more.
I think the only API that come NEAR Wpf is Cocoa, but it's a Mac Experience, not a Linux experience.
As for Linux is unhackerable, Secunia know near 314 exploit to write malevolent software on linux kernel 2.6.xx, against 64 know exploit against vista kernel.
And about Mobile 6.5, if you like the GUI of your iPhone, just install on Mobile iFonz (
http://allaboutpda.wordpress.com/2009/05/04/ifonz-version-088-29022008/). With the difference that if you want to change it or reverse back, you can. On the iPhone, you can get only what bigA wants.
Ah I forgot. Also Eclipse belong to windows

And so on MySQL, KDE (yes, also KDE 4.2.2 is available for Windows!), QT, GTK, Netbeans, and so on. Simpli, near 99% of free source software runs on near all operating systems, so Open Source is not an exclusive of Linux.
On the multitasking and multiuser, OS/2 (developed by Microsoft and IBM) still had multitasking and multiuser experince. Then Microsoft (at these times they got Xenix UNIX distro:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenix. You cannot realize that M$ done a piece of story of Unix, isn't it?

) just moved from IBM and OS and start developing Windows NT and Windows 3.11. The first for server purpose, the second for home and clients. The first had always multiuser and multitasking, on home, for multiuser experinge we have waited for Win95
So, Linux is funny. If you have time to play

(because as a unix, is only a toy against BSD, HP-UNIX and Solaris. As a desktop enviroment, is only a toy against Windows and Mac).