John Klyne

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John Klyne, the name I use here on x10hosting.

John Klyne has been known by a great number of people on this site, and deffinately on many many other sites.

It is now time for John Klyne, to retire, and a new person shall be born!
John Klyne, may have been a good friend, a person who paid with handsome credits, or a person that showed up out of nowhere.

John Klyne, is a person who is married, has been married since 1 month, before I made John Klyne's Hosting/Forum account. John Klyne, is in fact a person on the internet. John Klyne, is in fact married, and related to Jessica can see John KLYNE and Jessice KLYNE on the picture that John Klyne is using on the left of this message.

John Klyne is in fact 23 years old. John Klyne, does own his own business and does in fact make money on the internet, only AFTER John Klyne LOSES A LOT FIRST.

John Klyne did meat Jessica Klyne, in freshman year high school, in New Jersey, USA. John Klyne, does in fact own a restaurant. John Klyne, does in fact go on vacation every summer for 2 1/2 months, (specifically small, poor countries in Europe). John Klyne, is an entreprenure. John Klyne, does have partnerships, and John KLYNE does in fact, have his own paypal account though unvarified. John Klyne, has invested in stocks, and does in fact lend TONS OF MONEY on John Klyne, has never asked to get money lended to him. John Klyne beleives it is not necessary.

John Klyne is a person who has done or accomplished A GREAT NUMBER of things through his years from freshman year in high school. John Klyne is in fact, a member of MANY MANY other forums, John Klyne has actually sold products TO A NUMBER of people using x10hosting at the moment, or in the past.

John Klyne, does make at least 100$ a day, selling John Klyne's Own Written books...happily copywrited by John Klyne's own copywriting company.

John Klyne is very interested in medicine, how doctors don't really help the disease...(I can prove it)...John Klyne is also interested in cancer, and the cells of bees...and how cell phones actually kill them/create cancer in people/ create the lower pop. of bees...= lower pop in flowers...=lower food pop for animals...I don't want to keep going.

John Klyne is a fan of Kevin Traedua...(can't spell name)...John Klyne loves how he has literally taken hundreds of thousands of dollars from credits cards...and NEVER HAD TO PAY THEM. John Klyne, does not pay taxes, John Klyne does not need to pay taxes. No John Klyne is not breaking the law...John Klyne can prove I am not breaking the law.

John Klyne is ALSO VERY VERY interested in psychology...though John Klyne can not spell it. John Klyne does love twisting the meanins of words, what people say, or have done, in order for John Klyne, to either make money, have fun with them, piss them them off...invite them over...get them to go out with John Klyne.

John Klyne, is also a very protective person, and for being protective...John Klyne USES MANY MANY different names while conducted a great number of things on the computer or in real life.

John Klyne uses, 20 DIFFERENT NAMES IN FACT...throughout his daily life...every DAY.

John Klyne, loves security, JOHN KLYNE loves money. John Klyne also loves gambling. John Klyne is a gambler. And NO, John Klyne, does not own his own casineo...John Klyne, merely funded an casineo in his neighborhood.

John Klyne, has actually made, thousands of dollars playing blackjack. And John Klyne's special, never to be told secret, until John Klyne is in his death bed, god FORBID John Klyne dieing.

John Klyne, does not own a nice car, John Klyne, does not need to travel...John Klyne, has other people to drive him places. No John Klyne, can afford a car, and John Klyne is actually in the process of buying a GREAT car. John Klyne, loves the transportation business...John Klyne actually owns 3 Tractor Trailers...he does have drivers, transporting things from California to NJ or NY, or Quebec in Canada...John Klyne does in fact make money with this business, and John Klyne makes a ton of it.

John Klyne, is a venture capitalist. He gives money away...expecting a business to do well, and expecting some VERY nice returns. John Klyne, does not do any grunt work...or hard labor.

John Klyne recently, got into the online business, related interests. John Klyne made his first cent 2 days after joining x10hosting. John Klyne was a free hosting member...upgraded to a paid hosting member...and then once again downgraded to a free hosting member. John Klyne will always use x10hosting.


1. John Klyne, uses a great number of names, for his own safety.
1a...John Klyne, is not John Klyne's REAL NAME...
2. John Klyne, uses 5 stories for EVERY NAME HE USES...(20/5 = 4 stories) total.
2a. John Klyne choose to use the married with jessica klyne story for all of x10hosting members to know and hear...
3. John Klyne, only uses fake names for online purposes...(20 names)...
3a...John Klyne, uses one REAL name in real life. Though he might spell it incorrectly, in a GREAT number of that if anything goes wrong...John Klyne, (the real guy/in person person)...does not get in trouble.
4. John Klyne does not PAY A CENT FOR TAXES...a real person does.
4a. John Klyne's owners...(the real person who is john klyne online)has just recently tried the "trick" to never have to pay credit cards...John Klyne is happy to say, he bought a computer at circuit city just last month, and now has no reason to pay for the computer through his credit card...
5. John Klyne, loves security...(the real person running "john Klyne" online, loves security, and that is why John Klyne made so many different stories online.

6. John Klyne is sorry...and everyone else out there who is in fact one person, is sorry.

Well there you have it....John Klyne is only an online name...and the real owner will never give real details about himself. The real owners loves security. I am the real owner, the writer of thsi post, not in fact John Klyne, but another person. A person you may have come across, a person who you would like to, or never want to come across..

John Klyne, also uses fake names for seduction, while out with his buddies and pals...or alone, these fakes names are one of the names that John Klyne uses online, for his own protection.

Is John Klyne, a paronoid person>? You tell me?....

Sorry for such a deceasing/mournful post.

So there you have it, John Klyne online exists online, but what John Klyne does, or says he has done, has actually been accomplished by the person who created John Klyne....


This will be the only message John Klye will ever give about his identity. And also note that EVERY computer John Klyne uses, is used by hundreds of other people, at local libraries/or airports/cafes...

Live life free, no worries, but love mystery.


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Cool. Always fun to learn something new. I bet most of us here could go into much the same details about how our usernames aren't our real names. :biggrin:

John Klyne did meat Jessica Klyne, in freshman year high school, in New Jersey, USA.
You aren't a cannibal are you? lol, sorry, I couldn't resist pointing that out. No offense intended. :lol:


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John Klyne also likes writing his username as much as possible!

To be honest, I never thought for a moment that John Klyne was your real name or that your avatar was anything more than a stock photo.

From reading your posts in the past, you've come across to me as an intelligent person & one who is prepared to write long & helpful replies to other people.

You've come across as an entrepreneur from what you have mentioned in your other posts, but sadly have also seemed a bit of a hussler type, with much of what you write about being orientated towards manipulating people or making money from them.

I have images in my head of your websites selling self-help & get-rich-quick schemes, & looking like the Scam or Pushy sites which are all too frequently encountered.

Just an honest opinion, & hopefully at least partially wrong. :happysad:


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I'm really angry about this. My real name is John Klyne and I use Garrett Royce as my internet name. I keep getting your bills. :(

Honestly, very interesting. You should have John Klyne write a screenplay about John Klyne.

John Klyne

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Ichwar...sorry on my spelling I confuse those A LOT.

I wrote the username as much as possible for that I tried making it seem as if the person writing it, was not John Klyne, I was writing it in a different perspective.

Glad to know that people know when I use fake names. My avatar is a stock photo...I typed something on google, the day I joined x10hosting, and that is the same avatar I used...(not sure what I typed on it) and took the first picture I thought was interesting.

Thankyou for your compliment, about intelligence and I actually enjoy writing about things that interest me, so that is why some things may be longer than others.

I am an entrepreneur, : ) I like running my own businesses for a small amount of time and then, having someone else do the grunt work for me, while I rake in some cash....I never became, good at anything online though ( the actual make your own site thing)...

I know I have seemed like a hussler...people who don't do such things in real life, will find other ways to do what they lack...I lack husseling people in real life...I think I just "too nice" I do it online, though, I do not scam people. I sell real things, real books, real e-books and not cheep either...

I had an e-book exposed on this site from someone I don't quite remember the username from...I made $ 36,000.00 from that e-book in 4 months. I gave away a free copy to a member on x 10hosting...he exposed it, and bam...I quit selling. Why should I sell what people can get for free?

The e-book made me $ 1,000.00 per sale. Above from that, the 26k was just from my own site selling it, (hosted somewhere else...I use tons of free hosting companies) my referrals all 30 of them made least about 5 sales in the 3 month period, each of them getting 50% of the true value ( which was 1,000.00). It was not as good I would have thought, and well, that was the last time I ever shared anything with anyone on x10hosting, or gave away a product for free.

I do manipulate people, I superiority, it does not bother me to get what I want when I want it, I am not a brat, I do give to charity, 20% of EVERYTHING I MAKE EXACTLY as my religion says so. I am an Albanian, and pretty proud of it. Just like everyone else should be proud of their ethnic background.

I do make money from tons of people, but when I do so, I make sure they get something worth that money, in my opinion. I have sold self-help things, and above that, I am called a pickup artist. I sell pickup related material under a different name. There is not a lot of money from it, but I like helping people with their sex life.

Get Rich quick schemes...I have tried/bought some of these things to gain information on how they truly make their money. They all make it the same way...(by selling the information people are get rich hehe). There are others but that is mostly it.

My sites never look like scams...I make sure of it, by having forums and hundreds of members to back up everything I say or sell online.

Pushy sites..not sure what that means...but if I am pushing a customer to visit a link that leads to a site that sells how to lose weight, I do make money like that, but the things I sell, I know for a fact work. I am not overweight...never have says I never will be...can't say why to everyone. But I am actually one of the VERY few people who want to gain of the few people who try to EAT AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, (though eat only 3 meals a day)...I have won pie eating contests...and all that...and nope, they don't help people get fat...while searching for ways to gain weight....I ran across ways to actually lose weight more...and since I had nothing to lose, I tried what they said, researched what they said and then even had family try it...some things are not healthy, some things are not recommended and then some things the FDA in the USA does not want people to know about. Just like the credit card companies don't want people to know about...not having to pay credit card bills...and how to get them to leave with 1 phone call.

Most of what you said was correct, but I answered the "questions" in that post...

Glad to see I have gotten some positive feedback. Keep them coming : ) If possible.
I'm really angry about this. My real name is John Klyne and I use Garrett Royce as my internet name. I keep getting your bills. :(

Honestly, very interesting. You should have John Klyne write a screenplay about John Klyne.

Never thought a John Klyne would be on this site hehe, but hey your last name is that of a friend of mine. I am not sure if your name is really garrett royce or john klyne, but yea, my name on x10hosting is John Klyne as well.

...Anyone want the secret to making money on e-bay...find a wholesaler/drop shipping company..and sell what you don't have on e-bay for cash...(lets just say I shortened a 50$, 150 page e-book) into this paragraph...
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Nah, I'm just kidding you :p

There must be a real John Klyne out there somewhere though :biggrin:

Well, I suppose you can't actually prove any of this, lest you blow your cover, but even if you are lying I think it's a fantastic story, so kudos :)
Did you ever see the movie "Catch me if you can?"

I think you would find it fantastic. I like it a lot.
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John Klyne

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I'm not lieing, : ) my girlfriend wants me to tell people I use soo many different names online...I am just telling you something about me because it's either I expose some things or lost someone...heck she is probably reading this right now.

Never saw..catch me if you can...I will watch it : ) I already like the theme.
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Let me know what you think of it. It's one of my favorite movies. Hey, who knows, maybe Hollywood will make the sequel about you haha

John Klyne

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Truth, I'll probably forget to to tell you. Sorry, but I won't say I will contact you when I know I probably won't. I am going to watch it on saterday or sunday. looks like I have to get myself another blockbuster card.

I am reading some reviews of it right now...seems interesting, conning millions of dollars and so on. : ) I like it, thankyou for the intro to the movie. : )


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I can see it now.....

Agent Smith of the FBI : "So, Klyne, now we've finally caught you after 20 years of dogged pursuit, tell me one thing. Who was your Mr Big? Come on, who put you up to this evil $30 billion scam that you've been inflicting on people around the world?"

John Klyne : "I was just small-fry until I met this guy on some internet forum. He put me up to it all. Garrettroyce was his name. It all started when he sent me to Blockbuster to get a new scammer's tutorial video called "Catch Me if You Can".........."

John Klyne

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Haha, pretty funny zen-r :)

sent over credits for making me laugh. : )
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Many thanks for the credits, Monsieur Klyne. :)

I'll look forward to the next installment of your memoirs!

(hopefully not entitled "Diaries of a Jailbird" ;) )
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Many thanks for the credits, Monsieur Klyne. :)

I'll look forward to the next installment of your memoirs!

(hopefully not entitled "Diaries of a Jailbird" ;) )

Ohh, I think The John Klyne Redemption (sequel to the Shawshank Redemption) would make a good title! Then he can be a scammer and in jail, but he breaks out and he's still a millionaire!


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Jhon... I just made a post in wich i included a note to Zen.r stating he should condense his posts... now that ive seen your posts ive seen everything and i think to be fair i must ask you to do that next time... I am sorry to say i didnt read the entire thing and was confused from the begining. Could you just condense the post to the bear points as it really is too long for most people to read when they are busy.

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Jhon... I just made a post in wich i included a not to Zen.r stating he should condesne his posts... now that ive seen your posts ive seen evrything and i think to be fair i must ask you to do that next time... I am sorry to say i didnt read the entire thing and was confused fromt the begining. Could you just condense the post to the bear points as it really is too long for most people to read when they are busy. Thanks
lol, I read the whole thing, and enjoyed it thoroughly. Despite his frequent spelling and grammar mistakes, he writing style is very interesting.


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I confess, I didn't read all of it. But seeing John Klyne written that much... I kept thinking "Bob Dole": said:
In an episode of The Simpsons entitled "Mr. Spritz Goes to Washington", the Springfield Republican Party holds a secret meeting where they are deciding on a Congressional nominee. All of the attendees agree on the nomination of Krusty the Clown except for Bob Dole, who nominates himself, citing, "Maybe Bob Dole should run. Bob Dole thinks Bob Dole should. Actually, Bob Dole just wants to hear Bob Dole talk about Bob Dole. BOB DOLE!"

And kudos to anyone who isn't staff (and who I haven't told already...) who knows my real name. Or even gender, apparently...


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I confess, I didn't read all of it. But seeing John Klyne written that much... I kept thinking "Bob Dole":

And kudos to anyone who isn't staff (and who I haven't told already...) who knows my real name. Or even gender, apparently...

Oooh! oooh! I know! I know!


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Oooh! oooh! I know! I know!


Don't tell Sharky that there's a big sticker on his back, telling us all he's P.F. from the U* & that he had a problem about whether or not he could create a multisession CD using WinXP, about 5 yrs ago! :)

John Klyne

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Many thanks for the credits, Monsieur Klyne. :)

I'll look forward to the next installment of your memoirs!

(hopefully not entitled "Diaries of a Jailbird" ;) )

I am just not telling the whole truth, when selling or dealing with people, if my main concern is to make money once and say adios!. : )

Long time no see...not sure if you still remember me.

Jhon... I just made a post in wich i included a note to Zen.r stating he should condense his posts... now that ive seen your posts ive seen everything and i think to be fair i must ask you to do that next time... I am sorry to say i didnt read the entire thing and was confused from the begining. Could you just condense the post to the bear points as it really is too long for most people to read when they are busy.


I don't like the way you criticize what others write, or tell people to write less because you think it is too long. Truth is, people either read it all, or don't read it at all...

We all would like to say we are the, "we read it all" group of people, but that does not go for everyone....You said my post was too long, no one was asked to comment on such thing, but I will bear in mind to make my posts a lot longer from now, thank you for that little push towards the right direction.

Saying a persons post is too long, shows a number of things about the person who says that someone's post is too shows you are either high status male or female...I appreciate the fact that people are still trying to strive to be up there on the ladder of people to remember. It shows that you are also a person who thinks highly of them self, I like people who keep on striving to gain power or status through messages or actions that show that the person does not care about what others say.

I also, unlike many other people, encourage you to find other ways to gain that high male or female status, other than "wasting" your time to merely post a comment on how long a persons post may be. Truth be it, if your post was 2 pages long, and you asked on it, for us to read it all, I would definitely read it all, it would only take a minute of my time and does no harm to my fact it increases it, as long as your status increases in your mind, in does in fact increase to others.

I like the fact that you wanted to help me, by telling me to post shorter posts. I like people who like helping others, for that I do in fact help others everyday. It may be financially, or mentally, or physically...if I know something I will share it. Jealousy and being the best of all the rest is not my type of thing. But then I think you are the type that wants that rank, that power, the fact to be helpful to others, to be needed, and above that, in my opinion, just because you posted such a comment, not only on my post, but also on Zen-R's post, shows you could care less about what may be going on or said by us. I like Zen-R, a person who actually listens to what people say.

"To be a leader you must have been a follower at first." (My own quote)..."To lead, means to listen"...also mind ..."Leadership is gained with respect, not tangible things"...some people lack leadership, and thus make it obvious that they want status, which in fact, if they continue what they are doing, are going to lose it.

Above that, you spelled my name incorrectly....I don't really mind, but here is something you should understand...

Lets say you are at the mall..and meet a nice looking girl/guy and strike a conversation. Minutes later you get his/her name and then only seconds later, after you are told the persons name is Bell you call her, shows disrespect! And without respect, to what I have experienced, you have no status, you have no rank, you have, what I would say, a rock like a person that is just motionless after hearing a person they just met say their name soo incorrectly that all sense of huminization changes to de-huminizing a person, taking away their identity, the thing you are currently trying to establish, by acting or replying in such ways to a persons post.

Truth is I don't know you, I don't know how you act in real life, but I can bet you don't act like this to people you just met seconds ago. Feel free to not read it all, but in my opinion, everything I just said, can be very very helpful to you and many other people in the world.

lol, I read the whole thing, and enjoyed it thoroughly. Despite his frequent spelling and grammar mistakes, he writing style is very interesting.
Ichwar, now come on, we all know a person without college isn't a great writer??? Hah just joking, but yes it is true, I am a horrible writer, but I have been told I am a great "thinker"...think about it...

I confess, I didn't read all of it. But seeing John Klyne written that much... I kept thinking "Bob Dole"

And kudos to anyone who isn't staff (and who I haven't told already...) who knows my real name. Or even gender, apparently...

: ) I have gotten that Bob Dole response one other time in my life...I like your avatar by the way, I liked the one you had of that girl a while back more though, just an opinion, don't go changing it because I said so :) You sharky, are not a female but a male, I have spoken to you in the past probably months ago on x10hosting chat...your real name is one I would not ask for, because if I forget it, it tends to make people feel bad...


Don't tell Sharky that there's a big sticker on his back, telling us all he's P.F. from the U* & that he had a problem about whether or not he could create a multisession CD using WinXP, about 5 yrs ago! :)

Not sure what that mens buddy, but if anyone can create a game, that combines gta/need for speed/call of duty/redalert/any other type of game,...I'll buy it... : )'s be done one day but when...?? Well I heard you and sharky are about to finish one in a couple of months... Can I get the game for free? (Thats an idea of mine that I submitted to gaming companies, that just off the bat refused or said they can't do it...THIS IS GARBAGE, they just don't want to do it...I guess they don't want to have to sell a game for 10k and never have to sell another game again.

Anything said in this post, is just my opinion/though/ according to what I have done in the past/heard/learned....

Well I'm off for the night, good night everyone.
I mean no disrespect.
"Catch me if you can" has been one of the best movies I have seen. I love the way he forged those checks, using such everday items.

I also liked the way one of the people he was after at the end of the movie went through people's mail boxes, stealing checks and then changing the name on them.

I like it, too bad I will have to say, I will not try it. When I am older and have less to live for, I will, that I can bet on.

Good movie, very informative, very very interesting.
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