Been having problems with unreliable redirection of mail for xxx@xxxx.co.uk (xxxx.co.uk is hosted on illuminated.x10hosting.com).
I've set up various redirections to xxx@xxxx.co.uk and these all redirect further to xyz@gmail.com, but emails have been failing to arrive at the Gmail account.
Confusingly, I was getting two different webmail accounts (with different email contents) when logging into webmail (xxx@xxxx.co.uk) from illuminated.x10hosting.com:2096 vs. xxxx.co.uk:2096.
I tried deleting the account for xxx@xxxx.co.uk from cPanel (this always redirects to cPanel on illuminated.x10hosting.com) and when then trying to log in from within cPanel you are redirected to illuminated.x10hosting.com:2096, where the account is now no longer valid, as I would expect.
However, if I log in from xxxx.co.uk:2096 (this redirects to xo1.x10hosting.com:2096) I can see my test emails to xxx@xxxx.co.uk there but these never get redirected - and I cannot delete this 'phantom' account from cPanel as it always redirects to illuminated.x10hosting.com.
Could you please straighten all this out? I'm trying to get rid of the email account xxx@xxxx.co.uk completely and start again - it seems that there may be an old email account on the server xo1 that is intercepting incoming mail and not forwarding it.
Many thanks!
(posting in the forum because although this is an Illuminated account the support ticket system doesn't seem to be working for me)
Been having problems with unreliable redirection of mail for xxx@xxxx.co.uk (xxxx.co.uk is hosted on illuminated.x10hosting.com).
I've set up various redirections to xxx@xxxx.co.uk and these all redirect further to xyz@gmail.com, but emails have been failing to arrive at the Gmail account.
Confusingly, I was getting two different webmail accounts (with different email contents) when logging into webmail (xxx@xxxx.co.uk) from illuminated.x10hosting.com:2096 vs. xxxx.co.uk:2096.
I tried deleting the account for xxx@xxxx.co.uk from cPanel (this always redirects to cPanel on illuminated.x10hosting.com) and when then trying to log in from within cPanel you are redirected to illuminated.x10hosting.com:2096, where the account is now no longer valid, as I would expect.
However, if I log in from xxxx.co.uk:2096 (this redirects to xo1.x10hosting.com:2096) I can see my test emails to xxx@xxxx.co.uk there but these never get redirected - and I cannot delete this 'phantom' account from cPanel as it always redirects to illuminated.x10hosting.com.
Could you please straighten all this out? I'm trying to get rid of the email account xxx@xxxx.co.uk completely and start again - it seems that there may be an old email account on the server xo1 that is intercepting incoming mail and not forwarding it.
Many thanks!
(posting in the forum because although this is an Illuminated account the support ticket system doesn't seem to be working for me)