please list your mmorpg's with a rating and a short description.
Please include a web link.
Well a real good one id say is ROSE online... u can go for the real thing.. dont remmber the site but google rose online, or u can go for a private server
basically u fight mobs and level up get items armor wepods, craft weponds and armmor and bags and stuff, just make proff selling and buying, making money just killing mods, join a guild and go in fat pvp HUGE battles, make clans, make wings (heeps fun) or just buy them (they make u go faster
). First u make your charactor, what they look like and name, then u get your first job at level 20.. and u get a second job later on... max level is 250!!!!!! and dw its not like uber easy to level or anything...
omg this is reminiding me of how good this game is... gana download it agen and start play... haha anyway i highly recomnd it and the private server is as good as the real server if not better.