We have a shoutcast server and multiple show hosts;
Each live show is recorded in 1 hr slots in mp3 format. Said files are then automatically uploaded to x10 ready for the hosts to publish.
The archives are then available for download and instant playback. (
I did mention our intent a few weeks ago to the x10 staff when enquiring about more server space, all be it in a brief manner. I was not told "you cannot do that", instead I was told that x10 was considering providing unmetered server bundles.
Yesterday I upgraded to the corporate bundle.
Having communicated a lot in recent weeks with the admins and this activity never being raised as an issue I will stick my neck out and suggest that hosting your own mp3's in context of your website is ok.
I suppose it could become an issue if thousands of people are all trying to play huge mp3's on your website at the same time because it would hog resources.
In that eventuality one could always buy a vps.
Actually I have considered this as a potential issue and am looking into how I can have the newer recordings on the VPS because they will be in higher demand and then move them over to the unmetered account for the long-term archive.
The only way I can see this working for me is to have 2 show archives areas, Fresh and archived.
I shall cross this bridge only if the need arises though.