I like the logo, and I think the overall look of the site fits with your goal of simple and functional. However, if you do simple, you also have to do perfect because otherwise anything which is not perfect will stand out like a sore thumb, especially when you're selling your design skills.
A few people have mentioned the lack of capitalization; you're making a design statement with your website, so lowercase text fits nicely with simple. However, you need to be consistent with your use of lowercase (labels on examples page, note about ion, form labels, html/css links) - personally, I'd go for lowercase headers and menus, but use sentence case for paragraphs of text, to make it easier (simpler and more functional?) to read. Perhaps the logo would work better in lowercase too?
I think the Facebook button on the overview page should be repositioned - it doesn't align with anything, so it looks kind of lost, like an afterthought. Similarly, the examples page looks cramped and rushed; perhaps larger thumbnails and/or better use of white space.
Finally, something a little pedantic maybe, but your form has a 'Sumbit' button, rather than a 'Submit' button.
Apologies if that comes across as too negative - I like your site really!