I'm on the absolut server and my pages aren't updating when I save them, both with the code editor and the normal editor. The code saves, but the actual display doesn't. Is this a cache issue (I'm on a school computer) or is it a server issue or am I doin' it rong? http://blastedt.x10hosting.com/HTML/page4.php is an example of a page I recently updated to have real content yet hasn't changed. I've removed the dummy questions in the code but the pages do not update. Also, on the main page, I put in CSS and gave it a red background - no red yet :/ I've hit ctrl+f5 several times with no result.
EDIT: According to this page, absolut is down. Anyone know when it's going back up?
EDIT2: woah, did I really type whit?
EDIT: According to this page, absolut is down. Anyone know when it's going back up?
EDIT2: woah, did I really type whit?
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