xadrieth, I don't know much about PETA other than a few of their publicity stunts over the years.
But I do know that your post is unbalanced nonsense. You are using the very same sensationalist propaganda that you presumably dislike PETA for using.
"They kill animals: http://www.petakillsanimals.com/petasdirtysecret.cfm" - This webpage is a waste of space. Having looked at it, the site makes no good reference as to why PETA has animals "killed" as they put. Had it occurred to you that PETA may be reluctantly & humanely using vets to put suffering animals out of their misery? And the site quotes (shock, horror) they "spayed and neutered" animals. Well, duh!! That sounds like responsible animal management to me. All vets I know would recommend exactly the same for any animal where there is a risk of unwanted pregnancies.
"Advocate violence and destruction: http://www.consumerfreedom.com/downl..._friedrich.wav" - He doesn't mention violence to people, only damage to property. And this is clearly a soundbite edited out of presumably lots of other stuff he said. So for all we know, this may be a distorted picture of his message in its entirety. Whilst damage to property is not usually acceptable, some people may feel that if it achieves prevention of cruelty & suffering, than it is worth it in the long run. PETA are not alone in taking this stance - many people who protest about things often resort to damaging property in order to draw attention to the point they are making, if they feel it is being ignored. I don't condone it, but I do empathise with their feelings & certainly don't "hate" them for it, as you put it.
"Objectify Women:http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/7042/peta01vz3.jpg" - Well if this is your evidence for such a bold claim, then I'm not convinced. The woman in that picture made the decision to dress the way she did, herself. I'm sure no-one forced her. I expect she believed in her cause strongly enough to want to do this in order to gain the extra publicity. It worked didn't it? - that picture's made it into the press as she wanted. And since PETA's membership & management is made up in no small measure by women, then I rather doubt your claim.
"And practically ask for lawsuits: http://www.peta2.com/OUTTHERE/o_p2_games.asp" - If they're asking for lawsuits, that's their choice, isn't it? So sue them.
As I said, I don't know a great deal about PETA, so can't say one way or another whether they are a generally "good" organisation (few organisations are perfect). But you have shown me nothing to convince me that they are worthy of hate.
If you want to make a
balanced post, why not add some points about the disgusting & "hate-worthy" ways that many industries treat animals ; all the way through from areas such as fur farming (extreme examples including the millions of foxes every year in China that are crammed into tiny metal cages for their whole miserable life, then taken out & brutally skinnned alive - yes, I have seen video of this & it does happen), through to areas such as the laboratory torturing of millions of animals, & "modern" factory farming.
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