Rep club members:
1) bigjoe4 ->
2) vigge_sWe ->
3) Loneua Technologies ->
4) VeggieBoy ->
5) chougard ->
6) DS Gamers ->
7) noerrorsfound ->
8) Jesse ->
9) Sokii ->
10) Jacob, Kid Mania Creator ->
11) intertec ->
12) sunils ->
13) Tariqul Islam ->
14)Mitch ->
15) Mike- ->
16) Dutch ->
17)deathpie ->
18)Dannad500 ->
19)Medpheonix ->
.........................THIS IS ME
20)sohailamir52 ->
21)cstamper ->
22)Kraze_T ->
23)DefecTalisman ->
24)fahadsadah ->
25)jaredlp ->
26)intenex ->
27)rpope04 ->
(please use "Best IRC op ever" as the reason)
28)GamingX ->
29)comphelp ->
30)TechAsh ->
I gave reps to all present in the above list(29 members). Please be sure that you got it or not.

and Defec your idea is nice. Look these, I quote the messege and got the whole list with rep-links, If somebody will do it for each forth coming page on this thread, then no need to go to first page.
And Could you please number it infront of each members,so we can easily know howmany members we have ....
Can we add this code beside each member?
<script type="text/javascript"> vbrep_register("300995")</script>
Here 300995 will replace by rep id of the person.