Winblows... ahem, I mean Windows 8 is optimized for touch screen devices and will have a GUI similar to
Windows for Portable Devices. Microshaft... dang, I did it again, hehe, MICROSOFT says you can hook up a mouse and keyboard to it, but you'll struggle with getting used to the interface as well, it's designed for touch screens.
I don't know about you, but I don't have the cashola to even think about purchasing a touch screen for my computer and frankly, I still really LOOOOOOVE XP even though I'm running 7... Will I upgrade? HELL NO! Ever? Probably not. Why? I never trust MS to produce anything worth while until at the very least the first SP has been released. And even then it's still a hit-or-miss situation.
Here's a few pics and info on Winblows chode 8...
Talk about craptastic
For those of you who can't do your own Google images search