Hello All,
supanut200042 please I beg that you listen to me, If you are silly enough to download illegal content off the net I would suggest that you at the very least try to sandbox that installation. Tools such as 'VMWare' or 'SandBoxie' are both really good products for achieving a virtual "Testing Environment" if you want to go and install really untested software be it apps or full blown Operating systems.
Furthermore be warned that the majority of "Leaked" content such as Windows 8 are provided by warez groups whom by the way tamper with the internal executables so when suckers like yourself or anybody else installs it you may find that your precious Box has indeed become infected/blocked from certain websites as these unscrupulous malicious idiots have made your box part of some elaborate BotNet or set it up as a SPAM SMTP Server, etc, etc, the list goes on...
Please take my word about this tried and tested process..
Just like the previous post at least wait for RTM build or the SP1 to be released at least then you stand a chance of not being caught out by this racket.
My bad for being a bit off topic..