Also, along with an outside ban it should be banned if you're pregnant, and if you have children. My mom started smoking when I was pretty young, and I also have a brother. But for some reason, until maybe a year ago, I never realized that I should tell her to stop doing it around me.
When I did, she used the typical excuses any parent does when they can't think of what to say, like:
I'm an adult.
You don't own me.
I pay the rent.
It's my choice.
You're just a child.
And her smoking got the house smelling so bad. It actually made me sick a few times. I would be in a room on the computer and she would come in, sit down and start smoking. When I asked her to please stop or go do it somewhere else she told me I should leave.
Recently she's finally started going outside (after me bugging her), but only right outside the back door, right up against it, and a long time ago when my grammy lived here (it's her house) a blind guy tried to open the door when it was locked and screwed it up so there's openings where you can see light outside on the bottom and on the side where the doorknob is. So it still smells in the living room when she goes "outside" and I have to leave the room. When she comes in she smells so freaking bad.
I still wish she'd stop buying the crap. Cigarettes are not cheap and we barely have enough money for food. She smokes a few times a day, and 2 or 3 months ago she said she wasn't buying anymore cigarettes and was only smoking her last two packs. You'd think they would've run out by now. So yeah, she lied about that too.
Smokers have crappy attitudes, and they don't care about the people around them, even if it's family. If you think that's a lie, re-read my post and take notice of the following line:
I would be in a room on the computer and she would come in, sit down and start smoking. When I asked her to please stop or go do it somewhere else she told me I should leave.
So all you idiots out there saying if you don't like people smoking outside then go home, here's a little example for you.
Let's say you've been standing in a line for 3 hours for something really important, I don't know what for, just think of something. Some idiot smoker comes up behind you in line and starts smoking. Does that mean a non smoker should go home just because of "smoker's rights?" WHAT A FREAKING JOKE.
Smokers are taking the "smoker's rights" thing a little bit too far. They seem not to want to accept the fact that smokers shouldn't get any more rights than everyone else. They think that because they're stupid enough to smoke that it makes them in charge of something.
What about "non-smoker's rights?" The majority of people do not smoke. And we don't have to put up with your crap. The fact that you choose to smoke tells us that you're not very smart. So listen up: you're not special because you're choosing to slowly kill yourself. And no, because you're dumb enough to do this is not a reason for you to "have the right" to slowly kill others. It also does not mean you get to do whatever you want.
When your habit comes to the point where it starts hurting others, people DO have the right to tell you to not smoke around them. Because you do not have the right to hurt or kill other people. So when they tell you to not smoke or go smoke somewhere else, don't start arguing about your "rights." Because as soon as you start negatively affecting another person's health, your precious "rights" come to an end. Believe it or not, non-smokers also have rights, and we are also entitled to choose not to breathe your smoke.
I'd like to add to this, that smokers also seem to have no idea what an ashtray is. Go somewhere right now, like a gas station or a barber shop, basically any kind of store you can find. You'll notice all the cigarette "butts" (named after what smokers smell like) laying all over the parking lot and around the front of the building. They must have forgotten about that little place in their car where they're supposed to put their cancer sticks after they're done with them.
Hey, smokers! Guess what? That does count as littering you morons. Maybe you thought that when you threw yours down on the ground that it was too small to count, but just look at how many there are laying everywhere. Next time, don't be so lazy. Put them where they belong, which is in your car's ashtray. Idiots.
*edited by myself to remove swearing (even though it was censored)*