Sadly, with the latest updates made available for wordpress, it seem the automated update are triggering the resource usage suspension.
I took a quick look at the logs, and for the most they are just above the limit (which is 25% CPU), but well within the limits for
Prime and Illuminated. However there was also a couple notes that would be over the limits for Prime (it was at 74%), but if it was only that short burst it should probably go unnoticed on the two options mentioned.
You can read more about Prime Membership at:
The specs (domains, databases etc) are the same as Illuminated and can be seen here:
The main difference between Prime and Illuminated is that Illuminated is on a separate server, with only other Illuminated accounts.
There is of course also the Premium option:
While there are resource limits there as well, you'd get a warning before any suspension, unless it is a case of really extreme resource usage.