There's a lot of discussions in the past why there is downtime, why it's so hard to run a free webhost, why we can't do this suggestion or the other, etc. The bottom line is there's not a lot of information out there about free webhosting. No one is making money off of giving something away for free and those who can do it successfully are X10Hosting's competitors, so they aren't telling us anything (not that we don't already know everything they'd tell us, right?

One of the most frustrating things, in my opinion, is when your host closes down. Possibly unexpectedly. Possibly without telling you. The road of free hosting is littered with failed hosts. X10Hosting, while it has periods of issues, has been in business a long time. It's a track record of making good decisions, even when the decisions are unpopular. It's a track record of making upgrades, even when it was easier to let the outdated systems stay in place. It's a track record of doing huge maintenance just to get modest improvements for X10Hosting users. If you look at the small picture, it looks like the admins are just running around with their hair on fire.
If you look at the big picture, the admins are dedicated to offering the best free hosting that can be offered. The staff members and the community staff members (like me) are only here because we care. X10Hosting is a good host and I hope that even though there are some problems now and again, our users can see the qualities of a webhost that has spent almost 10 years constantly working towards perfection.
This is all IMHO, of course. But, I hope you can see what I'm saying. Keep the suggestions coming. I could name a few ideas that have come straight from our users.