People have been mentioning this site a bit so I was considering to use it. Later when I wanted to start a project, I decided to register on X10 and set up all that stuff.
At first, I was amazed at the fact that there's "unlimited" bandwidth and unmetred storage (if you meet the requirements).
What I've noticed is that it was going between fast and slow, mostly fast. This wasn't so much of a surprise as many are using the same server.
I've noticed a bit of maintence which kinda gave a bit of downtime, but that's nothing to complain about as it's free hosting and it already offers a lot, plus I've noticed a bit of a speed boost at the end.
I've unfortunately completely forgot about X10Premium so now I'm stuck with GoDaddy for 1 year with some database size limits and some strict inodes set. After one year is over for it, I'm hoping to finally use X10Premium, of course I would need to ask questions about it first.