But in my cpanel and SERVER_SOFTWARE variable it shows Linux as the OS which previously shown as Unix (mono worked perfectly at that time.)
I saw some people have reported about this problem about 2 weeks before. Me also reported about this more than 5 times. Some of those topics were closed by administrators with no answers.(once they accepted that the mono is not working. But did not answer anymore) Others were moved to support site and they are not appeared in this forum.
Reported people may be less. Because it seems like no one is using the advantages of ASP.NET (even x10 does not use Asp no)
Now it's about 3 weeks.
Please check these links:
Please look at this problem..
Thank you.
Ps: not only in absolute, but also in boru same thing has happened.
When i reported earlier about this problem they said,
Yes. Asp.net is down but we give our priority to recover the chopin and not to install mono..
But i think now those terrible chopin issues are over..
I don't want to know when will you re establish it. At least say what has happened or will you ever recover the mono copy..
Thank you..