"exten" wouldn't make sense without a "d". Say "x10" and it'll make sense. (ecs•ten), (ecs•tend).
Wouldn't you want your webhost extended rather than 100, or 10? 100 is more like "You get 100 of everything (Megabytes disk space, Megabytes bandwidth, MySQL databases)". Even worse it 10 of everything, which is sounding like Geocities, or Freewebs...
An extended hosting service. ExtendedHosting.
ExtendHosting → ExtenHosting
ExtenHosting is easier to say than ExtendHosting, or ExtendedHosting.
People nowadays use the number form of a word, and compact text.
Ex → x
ten → 10
Hosting cannot be shortened anymore because it needs to represent that this service is for webhosting.
Does this make sense?