Ive been working on a project lately, allowing members of the internet community to have access to a server on my site and host their own radio shows.
But due the broadcast licencing laws in the Uk, im having problems funding for it.
I would just like your input and your ideas, what do you think i can do to improve the site? Do you think it will work?
Please could you write back here and let me know, much appreciated
The idea of your site overall is one that will be complicated. As others above this post have said, make sure you have enough resources to support such a site, as live feeds do take a lot of bandwidth.
You said you are having problems with the licensing since you're located in the UK, .....from what I know, (Though I can be wrong) unless your site is hosted in the UK, (Which if you are using x10hosting, it is hosted in the USA) YOU DO NOT NEED A LICENSE.....though someone please correct me if I am wrong.
You said will your site succeed.
What people do is look for courage before they can do something couragouse. People look for what they gain, only after they have completed something.
So with that said, don't be afraid to get started as soon as possible, you will run into trouble along the way, but in the long run everything you do will lead to that site of yours being successful.
Do this for me, take a note card and tape it to the top of your computer screen, or somewhere you will always see it. It should say, "Should I really be doing this right now."
That's right, if you want your site to succeed you need to put the work into it. There is no get rich quick/get a great site quick program. It does not exist.
Set yourself some goals, and stick to them, devote about 2 hours at least a day to working on setting up those goals for your site.
It takes planning. It is just like a business you either do really well, or you fail.
Those that do well, planned out what they were going to do.
Those that do well, work out the problems, and figure things out.
Those that do well, do everything they can to accomplish their goal for their site.
Will your site succeed. Honestly, if you don't do what I just said, you will fail. I am not joking with ANYTHING I just said, I gain nothing from joking around like that.
If you work to accomplish your goals and DO NOT QUIT, when the going gets tough, you will have a successful site. You will make money off of it, even if you don't want to, you will make money accidentally. YES ACCIDENTALLY.
Think about this now, person x, makes a site and it does not get anywhere, it barely has visitors.
Person Y, MAKES AN EXACT SITE, with a different theme, and gets THOUSANDS OF VISITORS a week....WHY?
You need to get your site to the public!! If you don't want to waste money, which I understand, but really buddy....start advertising RIGHT WHEN YOUR SITE IS DONE. There are tons of free advertising locations.
Wish you luck, I am here if you want to message me.....though please best not to do so, so frequently as I may not be able to get back to you so soon.