Bot's make good practice, but you can make there dificulty higher, making it much more fun. I've tried adding them with RCON but i cant i need to get mani-admin installed but i cant upload to the game server?
Ayyy I also now have enough to make this a sticky! Wooot!
The address is the server IP
Thats the admin panel for my game server but it has a crap upload script that wont work for me! or any PC i try and use.
I need Mani-Admin plug uploading but u cant upload through the admin panel so i asked the admins at x10 gaming to do it for me its just taking some time. I've added 4 bots running on the server constantly now with normal dificulty if there are any problesm post here.
Not shure of the tick rate ill play a bit in a min and post the current tick rate iceworlds? is that a set of maps were you get all the guns in a line and a small ice world map and its quite fun?