I was on the server pwning some bots. Then these guys show up and I'm like hi guys you off the forum rite? No reply so I'm like noobs cant type yet.
Then the noobs join the CT team and I'm stuck with 2 bots against 3 real people and a bot. So I'm like damn!
So I'm like fair do's then I'm gettng pwned so I'm like damn! Then, I get out my Ak-47! And I'm like pwnining them like mad it's like me and my noob bots against these noobs and a bot. Then this guy kills me and I'm like oh well pwning strak had to end and then he disapears from my screen so I'm like had to of cheated no way it coulda been lag!
So I'm like thats it and I'm like pwning them like mad its like pwn after pwn! And you know how some noobs kill you and then shoot some more into ur dead body? Well they did that so I'm like returning the favour as I nvr do that and I'm wasting clips into their bodies it was pwn-a-licious! Then map changed and other guys left xcept for the first guy to join, so I pwned him a bit more than got bored and left.
So I was wondering if the only way someone would have joined the serer is through the IP or could they have joined through the Find Server Search in CSS? And if it was any of you guys on then own up! I wanna know who I pwned like as that was the maddest pwnage I've ever seen!