Gah i'm makeing a website
but can't seem to get people to it
how shall i go about it
Force us to go there at gunpoint?
Just thought I would say whats up to the regulars here

Anyone here know any php curl, more specifically hunting out AJAX urls in MySpace to curl ?
What's Up?, right back at you. Sorry, I can't help you with any of that "curly" stuff. Have you tried heated curling tongs?!
Has anyone noticed the forum changes that keep happening as I type this? THIS IS FUN!
I've been occasionally logging in & viewing pages over the last few hours, & each time something new appears. Corey is online & tinkering!
So far, the things I've noticed appearing are (in order) ;
- "Thanks" system.
- "Points/Level" & "Activity" system.
- In the User Profile (unless they've been there all along, & I've just not noticed them before) "Award-Showcase" & "Last Achievements".
- "Thanks" info disappeared again from the User info, on the left of forum posts.
- "Did you find this post helpful?" system appeared in the Community Support section.
- "Points/Level" & "Activity" bars gone from the User info, on the left of forum posts, & appeared as text-only now, at the end of one's signatures.
- Private Messages system had its max capacity limit reduced to 100 PMs (resulting in my box being 100% full, with its 234 messages!)
There hasn't been any info or Announcement posted about them yet, so this is all
Stop Press news! I've tried to keep this list updated, for those of you who returned to the forums too late to see for yourself all the changes as they unfolded.
I just found this page (by clicking on a Username on the left, then on Ranking Shop) ; (Also found under the Community links tab, at the top.) Check out all those tabs, with different info on each page. Is this system getting complicated now, or what?!
Please click my "Thanks" button (at the corner of this post) & make me

-it costs you nothing!
If I've traded services/credits with you, please remember to leave
iTrader Feedback. Thanks.