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  • Corey
    Please excuse my bother, I know you most have a lot of work, but I search a solution to my problem and I don't find it in the forum.
    I need use php_xslt extension, some people ask for this in the forum and I write to that persons and they say me that no found the solution.
    Please, if you have a chance, make me know if it is impossible or not.
    I was wondering if you were still hiring staff/looking for staff?
    Because on this page I am still getting the following message:
    "You cannot submit more than one application. Please be patient."
    Thanks :)
    Hey Corey,

    Can you try help me get 100 listeners on X10radio by posting an annoucement or something? Thanks. I'm asking other admins as well incase they beat you online ;)
    :cool:Thanks Corey

    thanks for make Exim up for Stoli.x10
    hope that Exim will run problem free for ever.
    corey my acount has been suspended by sohailamir52 and he is on vacation so as i pm him told to me to post a unsespension request please unsespend my acount
    I hate all your staff except you and dead and brandon!

    Sorry, had to let you know. I feel horrible.
    Trying to setup new account. Signups said everthing was good, got email with accont confrim , then got error saing user was now not available. Can you kill everything so I can do it again? The site names was and it HAS to be TSCOTTSUSA.
    karmagift? There's a place called the SUPPORT forum?
    Anyways, Hi Corey!
    hola, buenos dias.
    le envio este mensaje para ver si se puede activar de nuevo mi pagina es
    por lo anterior de antemano gracias..
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