Recent content by prppedro

  1. prppedro

    The Ctrl+V game

    ​The bass is tuned 12 semitones down -- I don't know why, but it's in my clipboard...
  2. prppedro

    Joomla Extensions: Time out on installation

    Well, all folders are 755... I preffer to not set to 777 the main folders, it's pretty unsafe. =( Joomla is able to write without problems, it creates the component folder, etc... The problem is the PHP timeout... I tried to use FTP functionality as well as the PHP Upload, but it fails...
  3. prppedro

    Joomla Extensions: Time out on installation

    Hi, I'm here again... The Starka server is almost impossible since I have my account here... But it's working well for now... However, I can't install Joomla Extensions. When I tried, I've got this: "The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.". And...
  4. prppedro

    Starka radically slow and site taking too much time to reply...

    Hi... I've created my account a few days ago, but I'm having some problems... The Starka server is really SLOOOOOW, my site doesn't show up, after a long wait time, a message says that the site is unavailable. Well, after that, I tried to access CPanel... But the CPanel page doesn't complete...
  5. prppedro


    Yeah, I guessed this... But it never happened with me on other hostings, so I asked... But now, the address is working fine. Thanks!
  6. prppedro


    Hi... Sorry for send this right after my registration, but... I confirmed my e-mail, completed the Web Hosting registration and soon after this logged to CPanel. But, although the CPannel works (Starka server), I can't access the site. I've been redirected to "" and a page...
  7. prppedro

    Problem with panel

    Hi all... My account was been created... and I have been received a E-mail... My account has been created by an Administrator, because of my region... Well, I can't access the Costumer Panel to fix my account, request php upgrades, etc... It's requests a confirmation code... I had no Idea...
  8. prppedro

    Reactivate ""

    How I said in portuguese: I'll register my site again, but I've been losted the site because I haven't backup. Thank's for the Information... Edit: - Edit - I remembered a problem now! I'm from Brazil, and need to contact a Admin to make a account, or use a Web Proxy. I realy think the Web...
  9. prppedro

    Reactivate ""

    Hi, fine? Because here, not... I lost my "Virtual Airline", but the life continues... Going back to the real subject... I need reactivation of my host account. My house passed through reforms, and I've been forced to be a "unconnectedman" for at least 3 months. And now I need to...
  10. prppedro

    Stoli stupdly slow

    WooW, Mail? If I send the money by mail, I'll pay at least $20 to send $6. But Paypal can be a good way. How it works? In Brazil, we can use "PagSeguro", I think this is semelhant to PayPal. Flw... Att. Pedro
  11. prppedro

    Stoli stupdly slow

    I can pay 6$, it's aprox. 12 BRL$. But I don't have intl. credit card. ¬¬
  12. prppedro

    Stoli stupdly slow

    Hi, are all fine? I having a problem with my site during the last months that's not solved yet by x10hosting. My Site is stupdly slow to load into browser and if not slow, is Offline. I undestand the x10hosting is updating systems, but a server that's offline 80% of time and 20% slow is a...
  13. prppedro

    Absolut server problem? or what

    UPDATE ²: The shows donw... but the server is now up.
  14. prppedro

    Absolut server problem? or what

    The stoli is goind up... and down... up...down... In this moment he's entirely down... HTTP Offline FTP Offline S-FTP Offline cPanel Offline S-cPanel Offline POP3 Offline S-POP3 Offline SMTP Offline SSH Offline The Artic are entirely up... And Skyy are down in mail and CPanel...