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  • Could you advise the best place for me to post my issue in the forum? Im having issues emailing other account too now, not just hotmail.
    Hi, sorry to bother you again. Is there any other way I could contact an Admin more directly?
    Thanks, I can login there (never seen this page before weirdly...) I can see that there is an open support ticket, so ill presume I need to keep checking back there every now and again for an update?
    Hi, I was talking to yo RE Hotmail IP being blocked. You mentioned that this has been escalated for admin attention, could you let me know where and when I should expect a response? (Email or direct message to the forum?)

    Thanks for your help,
    Cowboy Wisdom:
    "Never ask a barber if you need a haircut"
    "If you think you are a person of some influence try ordering somebody else's dog around".
    And, Spam CAN be good - grilled and placed between two slices of bread with cheese.....
    Anna is online, but I can't reach her she disabled PM and Visitor's... So, I need like ASAP help, this is private data I posted there! Maybe you can reach her for me?
    Please answer to my request ASAP I have difused a license number, please take it off.. This is private information
    Hola. Ya habia revisado de nuevo la informacion de las direcciones de correo y todo esta en orden pero aun asi aun no se recibian los emails. Antes si los recibian y no habia cambiado en nada las direcciones de correo. Quise enviarte un mensaje pero lamentablemente no pude ver a simple vista ningun boton de PM (phpBB me malcrio demasiado). Hasta busque un link sobre el manual de vBCredits pero parece que no hay uno. Tambien ese dia salimos a un feriado de 4 dias comenzando desde el sabado. De mdo que recien ayer revise mi email y veo que como no he dado ninguna informacion adicional sobre el estado de mi problema, el ticket de soporte se ha cerrado. :( Tendria que abrir otro ticket? Gracias por adelantado y siento mucho las molestias que estoy causando.
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