Search results

  1. cybrax

    Business Growth:

    translation: I have bought a domain name* (possibly even hosting as you made an identical statement on another forum ) translation: I do not know how to make web pages translation: I want you to do my job for me Sure Messi3 we will all help you, what areas of your business have problems?
  2. cybrax


    It's friendly and I like the idea of giving the client easy to follow steps, explaining what is required of them and what you do. The layout does have some positioning and typography issues with many parts of the text hidden or completely invisible. I've put the site into to...
  3. cybrax

    advertising suggestions welcome

    Lol don't get your knickers in a twist and stop splitting hairs you're running a DNS server to circumvent country restrictions and that's bound to royally kick somebodys legal department right off on one screaming copyright and distribution rights infringement. Anyhow you asked about Adverts...
  4. cybrax

    advertising suggestions welcome

    IMHO take down the site before the legal department at the BBC finds out. This will not improve visitor numbers but it will save you from a huge fine. PS: the waffle about EU cross border trade restrictions was a nice touch but is not relevant in your case. Technically what you are doing is...
  5. cybrax

    Things Clients Say To Web Designers

    If you think becoming a web designer is easy money, think again. A group of Irish designers recently took all the weird things clients have said to them and created posters to vent their feelings of anger & sorrow.
  6. cybrax

    Problems with fsockopen

    What you are doing is a little naughty but I am not Judge or Admin. Besides other sites will give you this information so X10 may as well get the page views Nothing stays the same for long on the web, sites are constantly changing and it appears Mobitag has started using $_session variables to...
  7. cybrax

    Problems with fsockopen

    Think I can see the problem but before I answer can you tell me... Do you have permission to be scraping the domain ?
  8. cybrax

    caching problem with mobile css

    You could use a Javascript making an Ajax call server-side (fired by the page onload event trigger) to get the session value and swap the CSS on the fly inside the clients browser. The downside of this is however is two-fold.. a: it's a bloody awful hack to implement b: Android 2.2 has issues...
  9. cybrax

    Did you get paid from Adsense last month?

    I've just been checking my Google adsense stats and found out they have not paid me since August 2012 yet the performance reports say it is earning funds and wondered if anybody else is still waiting for money to arrive?
  10. cybrax

    QR Code?

    Google has a QR code API service that is free, but this is due to be phased out in 2015. There are also a couple of free PHP scripts out there on the web to create QR codes and a quick search should...
  11. cybrax

    Review My Site? :)

    If you are serious about the website then get rid of the compulsory registration. If you just want the advertising revenue.. move the banner advert above the page fold where people can see it and Google Adsense will do the rest providing visitors with links to hundreds of recipe sites that...
  12. cybrax

    My website

    Genesis Films To be be perfectly honest there is nothing really wrong with it, sure there are a couple of minor technical tweeks it could do with but apart from that works fine. Visually however it still needs some attention, the colour scheme especially needs some thought.
  13. cybrax

    Doomsday Preppers

    That's known as the Paradox of the Unexpected Event, (Something is going to happen, but you have no idea when and you do not know what it will be ) that's perfectly normal human paranoia. All of us would of experienced it countless times in the course of our lives, that first day at school...
  14. cybrax

    Doomsday Preppers

    Is this a purely North American thing or are others around the world getting ready for one of the many variations on the Apocalypse (flu pandemic, economic collapse, solar storms, asteroid strikes, the return of the nephilim, magnetic pole reversal, crustal shifting, alien invasion etc )...
  15. cybrax

    How would you rate x10hosting and why?

    Having just spent the last 14hours being passed from one fool to the next at Hostgator (I think they are training new staff) there is an awful lot to said in favour of smaller hosting providers like X10 who have a more personal love/hate relationship with their customers as opposed to...
  16. cybrax

    How important is signature?

    Secret of forum signatures is that they must be relevant and of some use to the members. In a forum full of people building their own websites, learning HTML, Javascript, PHP, SEO etc for themselves and using free web hosting who may not have a job or any money, do you think members of that...
  17. cybrax

    Basic SEO for Newbie as of 2012

    Never assume Google is stupid my golden rule! Provide information or services that are useful to some people. Do not copy other sites word for word. If you rewrite something trying to beat copying detection, then to succeed the new article must contain more or newer information than the original.
  18. cybrax

    Test site still underwork Please check it out

    Pretty good so far, though I'd probably use a slightly narrower CSS template to hold the page (remember some folk have smaller screens than you do). Not many use the 'RealPlayer' format for video either, I don't think Firefox even has a plugin for it at all these days and both Chrome and IE...
  19. cybrax

    Please review my SEO and Web Design website

    Well it's nice apart for the most part, though do watch out for link buttons that screw up line spacing. (see here end of first section/ paragraph ) I found four others in the LA area that also provide free consults.. do you have more than one site? Something else worth bearing in mind is...
  20. cybrax

    Adult files?

    No free web hosting will allow Adult content, trying to get away with the milder forms of this genre such as 'Artistic' , 'Erotic' or even cartoon style content is also forbidden and many Paid Hosts will not permit it either. I should also mention there is no money to be made from advertising...